DVL-Digest 1224 - Postings: Index Pinnacle ships Edition what is the difference bwt gold and blue back of CD-R - (2) Pinnacle ships Edition - Adam Wilt > I am surprised that Pinnacle did not include Windows 98 Second > Edition support with a product at this price level considering how many > Windows 98 Second Edition systems are out there. Pinnacle could have kept the old FAST price point (, wasn't it?). That way there wouldn't be such an issue with lack of Win98 support, right? ;-) Edition is an iteration of the former FASTstudio software, which since day 1 has been targeted at the NT-derived OSes. It exploits a variety of system-level calls that are only available on WinNT/2k/XP; there are quite a few of these calls that make writing complex applications quite a bit less painful, and give the app a lot of added power and flexibility (from a programmer's standpoint, at least). Quite simply, Win98SE doesn't have the system-level support for Edition -- a *lot* of Edition would have to be rewritten to make it work on the less-capable platform. AJW, the AJW who has written a couple of XSend plugins for FASTstudio. [Any bizarre line breaks courtesy of OS X's Mail.app. Think Different!] what is the difference bwt gold and blue back of CD-R - "Perry Mitchell" From: King Cheung Hi, Does anyone know what the difference between the gold and blue back of CD-R? what is the difference bwt gold and blue back of CD-R - "Perry Mitchell" From: VxWorks BTW, I would disagree with the statement made by Perry Mitchell regarding the dye color. It DOES affects the ability of several standalone DVD players to read some types of CDs. You can find more information in the DVD players section of www.vcdhelp.com In addition, the coating (or the lacquer), also contributes to the color scheme. (diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-) [up] |