DVL-Digest 1342 - Postings: Index HD editing on PC platfrom Workflow? - Re: Matrox Responds - RTX.100 vs Storm HD editing on PC platfrom - "Valerie Shoaps" >I was wondering which options are available for High Definition editing >while running in a Windows environment. I'm aware of Mac solutions such as >Cinewave, Digital Voodoo and others, but I have no clue when it comes to PC >land. The PC equivalent of Digital Voodoo - Bluefish 444. http://www.bluefish444.com Also, Video Pump. http://www.optibase.com/downloads/videopump.pdf Valerie Creative Cow Forum Leader -AVID -Adobe Premiere ________________________ http://www.creativecow.net Workflow? - Re: Matrox Responds - RTX.100 vs Storm - "Valerie Shoaps" >Yup. Why bother? OHCI may take some rendering but is tons cheaper and >doesn't tie you down to Premiere. Even on our Storm system I always use >Vegas Video to edit and Premiere to output after rendering. Hi Joe, Just curious (and procrastinating); why do you bother going to Premiere to output? Valerie Creative Cow Forum Leader -AVID -Adobe Premiere ________________________ http://www.creativecow.net (diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-) [up] |