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A DV(L)-FAQ [e]

DVL-Digest 863 - Postings:

codecs (was: premiere 6)
Info Sony VX9000 and 16:9
OrangeLink FireWire Repeater
VX1000 color correctness question

codecs (was: premiere 6) - Adam Wilt

Canopus claims their hardware DV codec is better than
> Matrox's C-Cube-based chip and produces more detail in
> the final product. Have you noticed a difference?
I have not tested the Canopus hardware codec.
The C-Cube hardware codec on the Matrox boards (as well as most other vendors'
boards) is not as good as the current Canopus, Matrox, and Apple codecs, but
it's a close second. I'll take the C-Cube over the current Microsoft codec any
time (and the previous Microsoft codec was the second worst I've ever seen;
only QuickTime 4.0.x was worse).

Info Sony VX9000 and 16:9 - Adam Wilt

I have got Sony VX9000 camera and I know it could shoot a 16:9 format.
> I'd like knowing if I shoot a 16:9 format, when I will watch its film
> what will I notice?
More jagged diagonal lines than if you shoot 4:3; reduced vertical resolution;
increased aliasing on thin horizontal lines.
> Are they the same shoots than by Sony VX2000?
Very similar.
For better results use an anamorphic adapter like the ones from Optex and
Century Precision Optics.
Adam Wilt

OrangeLink FireWire Repeater - Adam Wilt

Is there anyone on the list who uses the
> OrangeLink FireWire repeater to increase
> the distance from camcorder to computer
> by an additional 15 feet?
We have used up to three in a row to get longer cable runs.
> Is there any quality loss involved?

VX1000 color correctness question - Adam Wilt

I found that the VX1000 S-video output is more color
> correct than its Firewire output.
> Is this intrinsec to the Sony VX1000? Or is this due
> to a qualitative difference between the 2 capture cards?
Since I don't know what you're using as a reference for "color correctness"
it's hard to say.
The 1394 output gives you exactly what's on the tape, no more, no less.
The S-Video output goes through a D/A, a CrCb-to-IQ matrix and subcarrier
modulator for the color, and buffer amps for the final output. Hue,
saturation, color balance, and R-y / B-Y gain errors can all occur in the
process (and usually do to some slight degree).
My guess is that what you're seeing on analog capture may be more "pleasing"
or may better match what you've seen on a monitor hooked up to the analog outs
from the VX1000. But 1394 will give you a not "accurate" rendition of what's
on tape.

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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