After here in a kitchen-door intermediate editing dialogue once again many arguments have been exchanged, if nothing Motion or After Effects, the better tool for motion graphics is now, we noticed that by now also quite different ways and worlds beyond these two programs out there. Actually it would be quite excellent Blender also suitable for this task, because the program actually become much, if not all bring what is needed as tools for successful motion graphics. And indeed there are already people in power just use the blender for this, even if from the YouTube Hitzahlen close (the linked video just 179 Views) at no interest. If you look at the demonstrated effects that were created very quickly, according to author, should be obvious that in this particular area of ​​the blender compositing hide behind After Effects and Motion hardly needs to. Quite the contrary, who modeled in the game engine that gets an OpenGL real-time previews in Motion, and with the coming of the compositor OpenCL nodes may move even further approach to After Effects. For us, a clear sign that you should definitely invest some time into learning Blender because the program will certainly play in the next few years in these areas a greater role. more infos at bei