Frage von Tschakle:
Hey ...
Now that I'm so exquisitely made so nem * psd-sections which I have already loaded into Adobe Encore, you can make a little animated menu, when I import this file over to adocbe after effects adobe encore ... so that I may as texts or all the plane can make it show or with a small effect can equip .... I've certainly worked with after effecs no bissel, but still reinzufinden habs en bissel tried alone, and then there was already my prob ..
If I wanted to animate the texts for such notes from the psd file, then the effect of the non .... so the plane is not animated ....
I'll do something wrong .... or are my thoughts vllt wrong??
Because there's just so .... they want to show you just find ...
Thank you
MFG Thomas W
Antwort von Screws:

Servus ...
Do you have the level of synonymous composition loaded into a silly (but I know so do not ask how much did you arrived there already)
Aftereffects has applied in the rest of Prima text animations presets ... the st you can quite easily on an After Effects text layer ...
Look but at times the AE Basic tutorials on creative cow ( ...
Antwort von Tschakle:

Well I have the whole. Psd file and import it incurred extra but the individual level in such a folder in the Project window art?
So is there then the whole initial set psd file and the individual in such a folder .... just an extra or something since I've done wrong .... or if I am now an effet on a basket just wants to go then the net ... certainly not a text effects ... the other effect (simulation and blah), but I can use the net text effects like vortex or other?
Thank you
Thomas W Mfg.
Antwort von Jörg:

You write:
after effecs with at least I'm not a bissel worked
have so far gibts course, no reason to hope that they (you) success. Any statement on your projects would be meaningless to the next problem is already on the march. Complete the first you some time to come is the result.
On the specific issue: text effect presets created solely to act out the text layers with the Text tool in AE were.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von mkrawietz:

Well that was schonma ne .... then I can answer yes stupid and foolish to try a text-level Unhide Photoshop ....
But sry if I farge ... how siehts with other levels from which I then, for example, synonymous only wants to reinfliegen?
Thank you
Thomas W Mfg.
Antwort von Screws:

The keyframes you have to worry about ... should be no problem, I mean, I want proof now, not just what are you doing, but I think if you should familiarize yourself a bit simpler things in AE you can easily do ...
I can only again refer to ...
Bis denne
Antwort von mkrawietz:

Ahio jo, jetzt hab ichs slow ..... so synonymous with the keyframing ...
Thanks ... now I have to just trial and error when what looks like next: P
Thanks Thanks for the answer, perhaps primitive:)
Thomas W Mfg.