Frage von Balrockt:
So, I want my DV video to show properly on your computer:
I'll take with a DV Camera (SonyVX1000) to capture and then on my Mac - so far, so good.
Now the material is 720x576 pixels, but the pixels are not square!
To display correctly on a computer monitor (square pixels!) I have to scale it to 768x576, but ...
... the real (active) Picture is just 704 pixels wide. The left and right columns of 8 pixels missing (black bars).
What do I have for now extend to 768:
- Keep the whole picture (720) and the black bars?
- The actual active picture (704) without black bars?
Of course, I'd like one ball / one circle in the real scene again in a circle on the screen (and is not an ellipse).
(Please read and answer the question exactly synonymous is exactly what I just did not feel like playing with the answers to my question has nothing to do.)
Antwort von steveb:

I'm sorry that I can contribute anything to your problem, but ...
Please read and answer the question exactly synonymous is exactly what I just did not feel like playing with the answers to my question has nothing to do.) ... I do hope that you yourself with these statements represent the sidelines ... because if you just so "direct art" is one or the other, perhaps unsettling to answer your question ...
Why You formulierst so "strict"?
Antwort von Balrock:

Hello SteveB!
I've written about what is not so great again Answers Relating to get to:
... that you can easily make with XYZ Program, which will make the car.
... but then simply add the Picture on a Television / control monitor, then you need not worry about stuff like you do.
... is still no preference, but the difference looks eh None.
All answers, but unfortunately no answer to my question and I habs just tired of seeing people not read the questions very carefully and then post some what.
However, I must admit that that happened here in the Slashcam-rare forum :-)
(Nevertheless, in this case I just need an answer of someone who really knows as synonymous)
Antwort von steveb:

now wants no general "how do I use a forum" discussion ... but sometimes it's just so that one about "loose" thinking comes to a conclusion or Was the sum of the postings ...
To give now a possible help for your question, why do not try both options out easily? Then you have given yourself the answer. I guess if you try out both sizes, times, will nonetheless be a result .. right?
Antwort von jpsaenz:

I now have the answer to my question in the Apple Final Cut Pro forum get:
Some Sony camcorders (eg VX1000) use only 704 pixels of 720 pixels wide DV video - is a kind of letterbox.
The video must be scaled so of 720 to 768 so that it is presented without distortion on the computer monitor () remain the two black bars.
Why does Sonydas - no idea??