Frage von Hägar:
Moin Moin ,....
I would like a little movie for a friend's wedding shoot.
A few scenes we have been synonymous in the box. Unfortunately, I had to realize that the format. Avi is and this is not made of Magix Video Deluxe 2006th
There is always the format of the file can not be read.
Is it possible to alter the. Avi file into a format which is kompatiebel with the prog?
Greeting Hägar
Antwort von Gast:

I can not really imagine that, Magix Video takes no AVIs. Presumably you have there is no DV-AVI, but any other codec in your AVI. What, for example with the freeware you can
GSpotsearch for a converter meaning.
Antwort von kerberos:

Magix Video Deluxe can easily deal with AVI.
Simply by recording the function "Select Import File" and ready.
Is there an error message when importing?
Antwort von Markus:

AVI is a container format and actually says only that the contents of audio - and video data may exist. How to transfer digital video recordings on your PC, so that they may be edited, here is:
FireWire FAQ">7th As the images come from the tape on the calculator?
Antwort von LaClemenza:

^ hmm ... jupp ^. Thank you.
Hatt not s.Format located .... special s.der size. The program did not come with the size of the file (3.2 GB) clear.
Habs now carved up into smaller parts, now takes ... ers.
Only problem is that there is no sound at (was) not synonymous. But if I am normally play with a program, Winamp, etc., is sound there.
Why might that be. He was to me in the video, the bottom sliding bar with deluxe show. Is nothin 'but.