Frage von SammyGray:
as you know so sometimes I have our own Internet television.
We were the first to offer the world for several years event, including interviews, videos, etc. for download / streaming.
I myself have already spent vast amounts s.Gemagebühren - Presently, we use only our own royalty free music producers.
After turning more and more and came to the competitor's videos and make this shit still gemaplfichtige illegal content online.
This is huge to me on the bag. Sure, I'm not afraid of a competition - it just annoys me extremely simple (just like this **** pirates).
Meanwhile, I wonder what you can do about it - because such people do synonymous make or break the scene labels / artists.
Do you sowas morally reprehensible?
Or totally idiotic?
Would love to hear your opinions about this time ..
Thanks - Sammy Lg
PS: Sry for the mistakes but I am totally tired and should really create something, but the had to get away ..
Antwort von flowStylez:

In a sense you're right. If you publish a content (in this case videos) and it aims to make as much visitors aware of its product, It should take up the legality and sincerity of his eight files. In your case I would report me first of all with these people for their contents "are illegal on the net. Falls of ensuring their Page no improvement or even completely rejected, I would report my views on the "nice" GEMA.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
However, for my part, I have no objection if someone made fun of turning a little in between the movies) extended to the general amusement or admiration of the (Friends of Music used evt which was not purchased on the perfectly legal way. The hype with the "pirates are criminals" is pretty aufn sack me anyway. Sure, people who download music and movies illegally resell on a daily basis from the net and should receive a just punishment ... But 5 (!!!) years in jail!? Gehts noch !?... Views with Habe nen banner that says: "Child Abuse: 3 years <-> pirate Piracy: 5 years ... pirates are at least no children fucker!" But I yield too far from the subject ... Excused -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Beautiful evening
Antwort von SammyGray:

Thanks for the reply ..
Good then I'll try it first on the friendly tour:)
So you're right .. I mean yes it synonymous not at all.
In with the piracy was synonymous not seen so blatant nervst just stop me when I buy my expensive software and other idiots suck it up for free ausm un network they think would be the Oberchekker - halt the Photoshop Kiddys ^ ^. Clearly the penalties are tough even know someone who therefore extremely
m was besraft (had sold CDs) on Inet ^ ^. And on the other far too mild sentences, we need not at first talk to .. because of "In the name of the Volkl ..."
Lg Sammy
Antwort von flowStylez:

You take my words out of his mouth;)! I do not want to be nostalgic, but I myself once on the "Photoshopkiddie's" one ... A couple of years later and with much more contemplation I have just purchased full versions or demo versions of some dusty, although a few "Fränkli" poorer for it with even more joy s.der thing: D. .. Thank God im a buyer
I'm too tired ... s.ins bed! Good-night I wish ^ ^!
Antwort von SammyGray:

* gg * is synonymous but much more so ...
Ah nen Schweizer:)
Antwort von tfp:

On the subject of pay Gema, you should at times villeicht KTS Freiburg Request to see the whole anderst and refuse to pay the fees, because that's capitalism ...
On the subject of pirate cassettes, I'd mal ne question: Is it worth actually now even if you miteinrechnet in the bill, electricity prices, slugs, time investment, etc.? I do not think, unless of course you live in a dormitory. And even now it still remains a significant risk.
For this reason I am against piracy.
Antwort von Dumina:
After turning more and more and came to the competitor's videos and make this shit still gemaplfichtige illegal content online.
This is huge to me on the bag. Sure, I'm not afraid of a competition - it just annoys me extremely simple (just like this **** pirates).
Meanwhile, I wonder what you can do about it - because such people do synonymous make or break the scene labels / artists. Hey, as a "competitor" I'll be times that there are now synonymous people who make my opinion, better videos.
Whether it's selling through experience or through better technology, but competing videos as "shit" then I just find ridiculous.
Furthermore, hardly uses a serious competitor yet gemapflichtige Music and even if he does, how do you want to know that he is doing it illegally??
On the subject of piracy, I must say that it was worth it never to get upset about it. One can not change anyway, this will change in future not synonymous. Bad it is making in any case, however, can be anything.
Antwort von SammyGray:

"GUEST" It is not about the proffesional video but about the people who present themselves with ner 200Euro Camera Club and later in all illegally into the net or who are merely observing the ideas ...
sowas is simply totally CHEAP and does more harm than good for you.
Speak with all the time but what do the artists of the "Gemaverbrechern.
Lg Sammy
Antwort von SammyGray:

Oh yes there is a great Evenfotos relevant sites ... the zb suddenly my videos with interviews and deliver it into the net in their Partyscenen the org. Music is used.
Under the imprint is not registered or licensed to Gema participant does not, I do not believe that someone with a 200 euro can carry such high Gemagebühren.
Or video clips where 100 sites on it are cheap party videos are added to 90% in Night Shoot mode - these are charged at 100% no Gema.
As we said before - it's
not about the good and honest qualitiv Video Pages!
LG Sammy
Antwort von Dumina:

I myself have been doing while ner party videos.
In the moment I have ne ne XL1 and VX2100, but I've started once synonymous with small camera ner. If one wants to establish sowas can not put the same times each just so 4000 ¬ and more on the table, just because one is interested in party video shoot. Yet this is light, Microphone and miscellaneous.
Just to say that all these are bunglers in my eyes is only fear of competition.
But you people have to start somewhere and once synonymous determined as I have noticed that it is indeed synonymous only in nightclubs and major events.
Without going to want to deny everything, what you say but I'd like to add the following. I have no sound-engineering education and even I can cobble together your video-capable in 3 h nen track that is synonymous gemafrei.
I personally understand your euphoria about "bad" videos do not, I mean to be so bad if they are the people to guard against the makers then provide feedback that make them the next.
But if the people Night Shoot, and bad filming nix total, need to change these people but perhaps their net??
Or you just accept that there are others who do things differently than you and have even more success. If it is clear that net, you have chosen you the wrong profession.
Antwort von Dumina:

One, obviously, but still a ....
Last resort is always in the hands of the organizers. If he liked the videos, people come with their camera clean and 200 ¬ if not, then do not.
So the videos but can not not be so bad, right?
Btw. you have sample pages?
Antwort von SammyGray:

It's just synonymous so that the bosses themselves sometimes say that they have already made a few bad experiences - and we have to (understandably s.and to justify). The stop annoying ...
This little "cock comparison". Also, I guess hardly say that these video people, "If we - we're cheap and make alls illegal." This stop telling synonymous achsotollen Videos and more on their unlimited use.
Thanks to our good cooperation with big Vernastalter the local spin is not a problem. Only stop at many discos with which we are not in contact or are we even know not at this "justification" stop real nervous, have canceled so even 2 video dates.
These people just ruin everything. Whether organizer, competitor, artists and even the visitors themselves: Who has pleasure in watching X videos only until he finds something clever?
That was with the party photo story the same. Now running with about 1000 idiots ner Aldi camera to 100,000 Party Pictures from the evening and then make even more raw, blurred, blurry and pixelated to the Internet.
With us was once every Stillimage consuming process - there were a few good party for photos. Fortunately, there are many good party but still photographer.
We have still some zuverbesseren synonymous synonymous and there are certainly better video maker, but at least we are all in contrast to the "Videokiddyz" our best possible fact that later the visitors / organizers like.
Log time via email with me, then I will send you a link to by way of example.
LG Sammy
Antwort von Dumina:

Now, I must agree with you but in almost every score. But such a forum is the wrong place for such a discussion, I meld me mla via mail.
Antwort von SammyGray:

We accept all competitor's be honest ..
we want to own even with dennen together.
Best bsp "Dance Around The Club" - why should we defend ourselves against such people make the real hot movies ".
Since we prefer to work together.
Sure, each time starts small, then he should not volllabern the disco owner with any equipment in different shit but the truth.
Beginners do not have that right anyway to shut illegal things.
We have begun synonymous and there are still small.
Are you up just a little bit s.unseren errors .....
Antwort von SammyGray:

MODERATOR - Please delete thread ..
I'll sit down with the kind of connections fixed operators, accordingly, is therefore resolved that problem.
Thank you, Lg
Antwort von Nio:

who is really us?
Antwort von SammyGray:

tzz ...
if you have not the money then cuts to halt magix video deluxe or stop windows movie maker. pirate is clearly theft.
I do not steal me so synonymous porsche and justify it so that I have no money ..
attributed solely sowas ... omg
we = me and my staff
As I said please delete topic. thanks
Antwort von davorfilms:

How will you if you have talent to be aware of it legal or experience?
Do you think they achieved something by always intersects with Windows Movie Maker?
But due to the fact that there are far too many people who are going to make it illegal, but having you, if you stay here legally.
That's just the harsh reality. And anybody snitch to GEMA's pathetic, I've got to formulate the ned.
What will you do if you have no money? You work your way with Kloputzen or what?
did not show everyone the right to know what he's got?
If you are a talented painter, eventually you can just take synonymous draufloszeichnen and pen and paper.
When editing DV you need just other resources that can afford it, but None.
Treat people the easy times. How did you get started high?
MfG D @ before
Antwort von SammyGray:

Sry. But you write absolute rubbish.
So if you have no money - we may be liable to prosecution ..
WOW great attitude.
So cool to me now, I steal the Labo of my neighbor, so I prof. drive to a job can. Since I do not have the necessary money .. it's synonymous ok if I steal it. It to me so I can buy later vllt.
I used the first-to videos with a digital camera ..
Was it a Billigteil and then it had cut with the corresponding Proggi cheap. Since I could not afford the Gema - were the first video without sound. Later, a second-hand cut SonyHandycam for a few hundred dollars (think 400), I was followed by Ulead (which was included) Later, there was a "better" camera to another SonyHandycam Magix editing software for a few dollars ....... Today was just always out of everything a bit more.
One must stop to save or make compromises. Then everything goes synonymous.
As I said please delete thread. Thank you
Lg Sammy
Antwort von davorfilms:

Beautiful and well, we are not talking of the programs ...
But what man can do, please gema fees?
how you got the baked as needed once your help ....
Antwort von SammyGray:

is in some contribution here in the thread. lg
Antwort von davorfilms:

sorry kanns ned here.
meant the same question a little more concrete, because
Gema fees are already quite a juicy, according to the,
I've heard ...
Antwort von SammyGray:

Sry but I do not say exactly the solution ..
if you go to my website, you should find the solution;)
LG Sammy
Antwort von davorfilms:

hehe, schleichwerbung;)
ps nice movies ^ ^
Antwort von SammyGray:

well, want to see how mans ^ ^
lg sammy