Frage von lehrling76:
Can someone give me something good for it? On the web I only find plastic bags ... or is available for the Cam what special?
What do you think of this neutral density filter? recommended?ör_PM&hash=item4aa6afe4bf # ht_1472wt_1002
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Variable ND filters are better than none ;-)
And rain cover searching for EWA Marine.
B. DeKid
Antwort von rush:
Variable ND filters are better than none ;-)
B. DeKid Leave it not hear the Wowu ;-)
For rain jacket ...
Such a thing? C3% BClle-Outdoorschutz-wasserabweisendes-wiederverwendbar/dp/B003ILYDKQ/ref = sr_1_3? ie = UTF8 & qid = 1296047746 & sr = 8-3
google just search for DSLR Rain Cover ... one probably. is there something for you here
Antwort von lehrling76:

why!? WOWU is not a "fan" of variable? are some better?
Thanks for tip with the rain jacket .. same time googling:) =
Antwort von rush:

Synonymous nor have discovered a great alternative ... This one comes out great;)
Wowü is not a fan of ND-faders ... synonymous because they attract a few side effects due to the 2 shifting polarizing filter. In this respect, it's true - some are better.
Antwort von lehrling76:

okidok. I want to know:)) (regarding filter) ... if it is better individually then be notified individually. you have good experiences with any manufacturers? ... The opinions of chinaware is yes split:)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Well yes WoWu is rather the "no filter" friend - I had already felt so dozens of times with / over it.
I perso. like variable ND filter is not "so" much, but they are better than garkeinte have.
They are practical and they can be in any case, even in the grab bag "does not cost nothing" (based on the cost and weight)
Conclusion If buying quiet times hurts the internal variable is not really doing nothing wrong or first.
Did then s.Start irgendwan Cokin or Mattebox - Turn Scenic --- then you fetch just still solid plug-in filters that full sound with which course.
Everything always ne benefit / sense / Situations question.
B. DeKid
PS: reminds me Picture rush the stage, the nightmare I ever had as a child ;-))
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Although it must be fitted and fixed filters of Cokin (cheaper) or TIFF (expensive)
Otherwise, if even then threaded Hoya or B & W (worth but in my eyes he prefers internal variable as a range of enyjoyyourcamera * Shop *)
Antwort von lehrling76:

billie the kid .. if you could recommend me now take a gscheit MatteBox for gh2 knutsch me up! :)))
I felt like days since the jungle of providers ... and then when I still synonymous landing on the English side I get synonymous nor the crisis ... (Where I would order synonymous abroad if true price / performance)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

** Note **
It seems as if you had won the lottery or'd have to en train.
Hasty decisions are not your
Only a small tip s.Rande
So as a matte box and geerell RodSystem as you can actually conscientiously only 2 providers in my opinion recommend
Here you have it all s.der hand what it takes so
The Prices may be only a little scare but in the end you buy something once and it can then use years
Now what better of the two is a question of taste
I would take the Redrock is good and cheaper than the Chrosziel NEN Tick Setup
Otherwise, if you really need only ne filter holder then you can put the Cokin View Setup
Then I would buy but no matte box but only depending on the lenses you are using
Z Pro (maybe too big)
Pro X (which you probably will not need)
Cokin get paid on Ebay quasi especially if you will use small lenses s.der GH2 is then the A system is probably already sufficient.
B. DeKid
Antwort von lehrling76:

Thank you very much B.the KID:)
AnmerkungRE: have not won the lottery nor do I have on a train;) ---...'ve only long enough to "look". And now where I've decided I want the gh2 gscheit accessories "play" in order to be able to. ... Want to have this fever is present in me, think you know what I mean? :)
Now I'm back for the next hour emulate me to deal with your links. Thanksi again!
This is the best forum in the world! "You here to help" ... :)
Antwort von lehrling76:

BdeKid: now will refrain from long elle recherche on the expensive things rather MatteBox. The tip with the Cokin filters, I find great!
Get me the order in quantity P ....