Frage von holgaaar:Hello people.
I have two important questions can help and am sure it to me.
I would like a transfer with my SonyFX-1000 in HD (1080i) filmed material, in full quality on my PC.
With full quality, I mean that the video is synonymous after transferring to the PC, is still "real" HD.
I finished at the moment but still "normal" PAL-DVD's but would like the material I archive synonymous as a true HD on the calculator, so I will later if needed once synonymous can burn a "real" BluRay.
First question said:
For video editing I use Pinnacle Studio 14 Ultimate.
If I am here - as usual - import the video via i-Link cable into the program or on the PC, then the material remains fully unresolved HD?
Or should / must I import instead of using i-link, the video via HDMI cable? The FX-1000 has an HDMI output so, then would only need a graphics card with HDMI input.
If both (i-Link and HDMI) works, with which cable do I get the better quality (synonymous when digital should be the same digital)?
This question was now purely on the import of material in the HD camcorder to PC.
The second question is based on first s.die:
If I then the video material that is in true HD on the calculator and the Pinnacle, I've then able to complete the Project worked to either burn as a normal PAL-DVD (the Resolutiondann is probably yes runtergerechnet), or to burn directly as BluRay.
So in the end I just need to save the Pinnacle Project, then I can at any time in either burn a DVD or a BluRay.
But I had - if possible - synonymous like the opportunity to save, the edited video as a Project File, and indeed synonymous with HD quality. Is that possible? If I as the file format "AVI" select them, the Resolutionja goes up to 720x576, so normal PAL. But if I directly burn a BluRay, the Project is so synonymous read out first before it is then fired, right?
So again summarized in brief:
1st If 1080i, as read from the camcorder to the PC synonymous true HD, if I auslese via i-link, or do I need to HDMI, or what is better?
2nd Is it possible with Pinnacle Studio to read instead of a BluRay disc, a video file with real HD content on the hard drive and save?
Question number two is actually true in the Pinnacle thread, but as double posts are not so popular, I'll ask the question only in the Pinnacle-heading, if I can get no answer.
Thank you for your answers Schonmal!
Antwort von B.DeKid:
JA's time you transfer the file and use views MEDIA INFO is a very useful progi
For example, can convert MPEG Streamclip to use material from the HD DVD, or MOV file can create the MOV as synonymous Full HD.
So all in all not a problem
B. DeKid
Antwort von campool:
Just one question: Who buys ne top Camera for 3000-4000 ¬, for example, the time now ... Yes, the FX1000 ... and do not know about basic things such as capturing in HD (that is boringly normal reading) decision? What is that? (And if we COMMERCIAL filming weddings ...)
Antwort von cutaway:
here an interesting forum for you
Greetings cutaway
Antwort von holgaaar:
Just one question: Who buys ne top Camera for 3000-4000 ¬, for example, the time now ... Yes, the FX1000 ... and do not know about basic things such as capturing in HD (that is boringly normal reading) decision? What is that? (And if we COMMERCIAL filming weddings ...) ... With these answers I expected.
Without justifying myself, but I switched to deliver HD quality to just be able to better quality. Film work the same as before (only with more options than just with my previous camcorder), editing with Pinnacle same as before, all the same as before. Only the PC to capture changes, and that was synonymous my question.
In the time you've sacrificed to make you smart about my work area and to denounce me to answer you had two sentences synonymous with my questions ... but no preference.
Thanks for nothing.
@ B. DeKid
@ Cutaway:
Thank you for your answers, I'm gonna go try out!