Frage von deti:
They call it the "green hell". The new ZDF news studio meets with the moderators on respect and enthusiasm. Only the cameras still provide guidance. Claus Kleber runs through the studio.
Antwort von nahmo:

There is actually a way to save the clip? Would be interesting to me as a look behind the scenes in a children's news project.
Antwort von Pianist:

Our Conversation Reiber Patrick is happy to have determined by a subordinate clause of Klaus Kleber, where he said the spirit: "Since it is a laptop, whose brand I do not tell, it is certainly not a pear."
Antwort von Valentino:

@ nahmo
I would be filming the video with my camera just when I wanted it umgedingt.
Otherwise not you take a nice mail s.den Mittschnittservice of ZDF
The studio is really the hammer, but I think it is once again the absolute embarrassment to the cameraman / assistant or technician did not come up with the idea before making the optics clean.
That looks as if the cameraman was previously in Jungelcamp.
Someone actually has any information whether the studio is now synonymous with HD camera heads have been blanked?
Would make sense if the studio with Internal 1080p can produce 50 full frames.
Antwort von Videofactory:

I find it somewhat embarrassing anyway, what (the cameraman;) has delivered so far as it ever was one.
Since I am filming with a hand so quiet.
The horny Robterkameras are synonymous, but the costs determined at least 250,000 (and each individual).
Antwort von deti:

Once the topic is so interesting, here's a video:
Here again, the official YouTube links, so you should download easily fall ;-)
... And yes, it is produced in HD.
Antwort von Valentino:

In the second video I find the Vertigo ride but somewhat exaggerated ;-)
It should always remain legitimate messages and still be no Hitchcock film.
Even the last sentence of Klaus Kleber (; s.5: 40) "... messages to sell ..." is chosen to be somewhat unhappy.
Otherwise, studio class, I'm just not quite as smart as can move the "normal" studio cameras that without one knows where the camera is in space. These sensors in the ground can still find synonymous only two coordinates and not know at what level they are located camera. I can still remember the times we had on a Steadicam as an "IR Sensor Hedgehog" on it so we knew where the camera is just, but sowas is found in the new studio-longer too.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Valentino
Each camera is calibrated once and then moved only by the calculator and monitor any movement on the digitizer. (; So even if time is engaged by a cameraman, a mechanical motion is converted into the corresponding digital pulses, and the calculator directly notified.)
Thus, the calculator always knows where the camera is and what she has Objektivwerte.
However, such intervention leads to a delayed response of the virtual space.
Antwort von nicecam:
@ nahmo
I would be filming the video with my camera just when I wanted it umgedingt.
Otherwise not you take a nice mail s.den Mittschnittservice of ZDFa and
Here again, the official YouTube links, so you should download easily fall ;-)
It is synonymous to the free Windows Media Encoder ;-) or other (; paid-) Screen Capture Programs
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The Motion Controlled Dolly cranes are the hammer ;-) With whom can you make as much,-P
Far too sorry for them :-( use in a news studio;
Otherwise one can only say - Technology at its finest absolute top class ;-)
B. DeKid
People - what could be there for tinkering scenarios as background ... aha ... HollyWood sends his regards ;-)
@ Valentino
Since the cameras can be present in your pre-programmed motion data we split the data directly forward s.virtuelle cameras ... so it's no problem at all exsestierende Camera 3 virtual cameras to ... it only tracks the quasi kordinat and splits them in order to realize a multi-cam shot.
Score in combination with motion capture reference would be much more in it ;-) You could create every presenter or moderator from the computer ;-)
In my eyes, nothing goes past it, if you want to give the film a real 3D space, a 3D camera technology combined with motion-controlled systems and motion capture systems.
That gives freedoms that come with camera systems that promise worlds of visual feasibility of Hitchcock and Kubrick sowas have dared only to dream!
If you'd like to see real gems of the virtual landscape was once
VUE Terragen
Antwort von Pianist:

Now we have been reading a lot about the technology of the new virtual studio, but I would be quite happy to look at the content track. The public broadcasters still have their core competence in the particular factual message editing. Then I ask myself whether or not this time, the ZDF is slightly overshot the target. I looked in the past few days, several programs and really wonder whether with the virtual studio is such a good idea. I believe that the average viewers are already overtaxed as a little bit, because there are many simple visual stimuli in it, which the brain is not yet known. Also in my opinion suffers from the currency, because everything can be seen there are complex needs to prepare. Klaus Kleber himself has said that he was barely of his texts can vary spontaneously, not to confuse the technician. For me personally, the minimalist workmanship the news is still better.
Antwort von ArnAuge:

The contributions of nahmo and nicecam the issue has been addressed and I would like to take this opportunity once a few basic (; are stupid?) Questions.
Have until September only "DSL1000" with about 45 kB / s. Youtube movies or VIMEO I look at me, as I immediately hit pause and wait until the movie is loaded. As I can then save a movie to me is still a mystery. How will this go with the Windowas Media Encoder - nicecam?
This strange JW FLV Player by ZDF other hand, is just annoying. (Even in the reduced quality, the very reduced for ISDN is not fun anyway) - explicitly for DSL - the movie stops every few seconds. The trouble is that the second time you watch it again just stops. He has been charged yet. Because someone knows a trick?
Sometimes movies can be saved by (; Firefox) on the side information and there is "media" calls. There are, however, as at the ZDF will only see the graphic elements, but not the movie.
Would be nice if there a web programmer could bring specialist education - perhaps synonymous with links to further information.
Antwort von pilskopf:

Das ist echt krass with how one can squander billions GEZ fees so that you can only say again that the money in life is not enough.
Antwort von mentao:
Youtube movies or VIMEO I look at me, as I immediately hit pause and wait until the movie is loaded. As I can then save a movie to me is still a mystery. Under Documents + Settings / LokaleEinstellungen the Temp folder is located, as in it is cached. The
If the stream does not funzt, dafür gibts then as the Replay Media Catcher.
Antwort von ArnAuge:

@ Mentao
Thank you! - The Replay Media Catcher seems similar function as the manager of IDM Tonec. Thus one can not record the streams of the ZDF-media library. Do you have experience with it?
Antwort von mentao:

True, the RPC can not mms stream .. (; only just noticed gibts ja vllt a plug-in? thought is with mms in there;)
Net Transport
Antwort von fokuss:

In my opinion, the blödsinn RoboCams absolute, then the money should se rather invest in new forces (and here is yet no precise movements, as required in specific trickfilm ?!!); one would do the same old studio (and if not at all) " can modernize green hell ". the justification, the new studio contributes to better placement news, in my view, absolutely unacceptable. vllt I must still get used but I will watch more than the bad that I will be better informed ... For decades, it has the traditional "table-chair-wallpaper" done-away.
already issued but money can not even wegkürzen more ...
taught me better!
Antwort von HolgerH_2:
In my opinion, the blödsinn RoboCams absolute, then the money should se rather invest in new forces (and here is yet no precise movements required, as in special procedural trickfilm ?!!); For you is a rendered 3D virtual studio in the background, which is adjusted in real time s.The camera movements, no "special procedures trick"? :-)
About the substantive sense and nonsense of such studios in Comparison to a fixed table with moderation Greescreen background one can argue, of course.
Antwort von fokuss:

jop, I do not even realize that it is a tricky process xD, but not really clear to me the news verwendungszweck in the one area. I believe that these devices are in commercial advertising film and to hollywood, but not in a market segment where the dissemination of news and information stands in the foreground and the outside / the only design agency s.zweite move.
One can argue about it certainly, only wirds an even more sensitive when it is geldern in connexion with challeng ...
Antwort von pilskopf:

That is synonymous far too expensive, what is s.Leuten there again and technicians, designers need a simple information giving next, because I do not need to show Hollywood explosions, a nuclear power plant design and because the info, how strong the blast is sufficient And then that one around this frügher guarantees or later dies.
And should I then for such a fiasco even more than the 30 ¬ a month and the figures in modern times. It goes so hard. The ZDF should be ashamed really cocky as they deal with these funds. I'd love to know how much money alone will cost only a 15 minute news program.
Antwort von mann:

The scandal is synonymous, that parallel (in this technological Masturbation, the emptiness of the so-called news; synonymous: increasing the displacement of important events and selective backgrounds) disproportionately. Leck mich doch echt s.Arsch.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

You are all far too horny, - /
The sollche technology offers infinite possibilities and directional whitening is that your mistakes, unfortunately - very bad.
Especially can really save money in order to consider the long run!
B. DeKid
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... because I do not need to show Hollywood explosions and a nuclear power plant design, since the information is sufficient, then how strong the blast is ... The man is now time visual impact and receives information on a lot better if he did - in the truest sense of the word - lies behind them gets. What options in the new technology as a whole so stuck, so has yet to be seen: That the full potential of the new studio in the first shipment may be exhausted, would have been a coincidence.
... I would like to know how much money alone will cost only a 15 minute news program ... View it positively: Every euro, which flows into the news is no longer on the eve of soaps and cooking programs are used. From this perspective, messages are still far too cheap ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:
..... Watch it positively: Every euro, which flows into the news is no longer on the eve of soaps and cooking programs are used. From this perspective, messages are still far too cheap ... YES ONLY HOPE IS TO BE THE RTL PRO7 AND ALSO A STUDIO SOON SO PURCHASE ;-))
B. DeKid
Antwort von pilskopf:

I commend still a newspaper, where an estimated 1000 more information than is available in a contribution of ZDFs. Euch doch mal Guckt the news, that's only boulevard level.
It see it positively to any case where in the next few years, the contribution of 5 euros to rise next month.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Pilskopf
Now you are exaggerating it, but a little bit.
So I'm relatively good contacts with the ZDF and I must say have been really a lot to offer. But the number of jobs and training opportunities is made available imenss.
From the know-how which will give them synonymous trained specialists and prophecy.
How good are the messages but is rather relative.
Evil is always some money to keep thinking what you could jump with it .... very selfish attitude.
Oh yes, and the roundabout in front of the studio has certainly cost the taxpayer more than the studio itself ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von mann:
So I'm relatively good contacts with the ZDF and I must say have been really a lot to offer.
B. DeKid How nice for you, then please do not forget to tell your contacts that you make when slashcam advertising for its juice-bar.
How good are the messages but is rather relative.
B. DeKid Yes, relatively scheißno preference, because they were somewhere else anyway peeps.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Man
man oh man can be there just to say ... just because I have the former director of the ZDF grandpa is one of my friends here, and only a couple of meters away from me live, I know .... and this has helped me already super ..... I now do advertising for?
Du bist echt ne gun ... I really do not understand why it bothers you, the issue - apparently it's raining with you or something in that direction.
But clearly not an issue I will focus, maybe the ZDF sends a statement s.all Slashcam the disgruntled user ...
Oh yes, and find it on Google News - News ;-)
So long
B. DeKid
Antwort von pilskopf:

On the one hand they increase happens to be the GEZ fee because the 8 billion a year is not enough for all the other costs as a studio and it's immensely more useful to you when the studio is not around, so high fixed costs, I do not think the cheap is.
But ask the Chefe times what a news program with its digital effects and Robotercams costs, since one is flying off the hat but then when you pronounce the truth would.
And at 7.26 billion euros in revenue, I can ask ne synonymous training or fall off a few jobs to. If this were not the least, if not already paid according to quality and service mission.
Just the advertising of the second is a monster who simply have too much money available. I would be content with trying times and less grandstanding, then it works wirtklich synonymous with the educational mission.
Thus, a studio does not create Arbeitslplätze because money is burned and its benefits do not really be identified. The news is generally worse than before and now you have even less room for content because you have to show pictures and animations, of course, take more time than if the information would be easy to read.
I have nothing against a nice studio but that's quite an exaggeration, but the computer animation costs a fortune every time.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Synonymous facts must be correct - please
"A total of 2007, nearly 7.3 billion euros of which take the ARD, ZDF 5.4 billion and 1.7 billion cashed."
That is now 2 years ago!
You talk here of Economic matters of which you have no idea.
Only once in passing must be paid for every football game.
And the ÖR TV companies do not earn nearly as well, such as RTL and Pro7
A news show will probably be less expensive, since one should be under 10 k per transmission time .. Copy included (; Performed on 3 to 5 years) .... I guess now time ... say, the studio will most likely have cost about 10 million round up 15 million that is quite ok.
One should refer to the times with advertising per broadcast by RTL and Co. take ..... relationship with you can speak of happiness if you a spot of 20 sec per broadcasting costs 600Euro mind to Nachtschlafenden times.
But I certainly give it to you right when the ZDF pears PC had installed then everything would be much cheaper and better now ;-))
3D content of which is often bought in bulk - say you design a package, 3 months are busy and have hundreds of ways to process the material Internally the house. FYI do almost all the Unterneehmen so and the Prices are paid in this sector are not synonymous just "good". Is probably something for starters and small businesses that work.
B. DeKid
Antwort von mann:

And anyway, why not just let INNOVATION hundred percent real and virtual spokesperson as rumei? The whole illiterate Ableserei goes before me on his nerves.
Antwort von pilskopf:

Why should I not, please know that you have to pay for a football game? But eventually I'll pay for it. Every month, I'm quite sure not to forget. Not that it flies a short time for ne Kerner popel transfer to China and back. ZDF has it been going badly, I think, 1.5 billion per year is indeed synonymous times not so much (; ok, the third gibts ja synonymous, and each item still needs its own home page, I know), all of the ARD Not to mention, of course. Just as in other sectors of the state, one can not deal with money. One can clearly see where the state is and where the private sector begins. A few people stuck in a damned lot of money into the pockets of the masses simply because at no more strikes, and it is not their money anyway, the whole car comes again to the account is no preference as to ultimately unproductive.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... cost the studio will most likely round up about 10 million have 15 million ... Overall, there were probably 30 million euros: twelve for the building and 18 for technical equipment. Practically a bargain, given the 90 million of Real Madrid for a single football ... The only times s.Rande if we are on the Comparison of apples and pears ;-)
Antwort von mann:

... so 30 million - and if you look at this "green hell turn aside to look," then they synonymous mirnichtsdirnichts clots after a short time at any gay Bewegtscheiß, yes it is already much used anyway.
For this country's same money you can build 4-5 new kindergartens, in Africa, for example, would certainly served for ten to fifty times as many.
Yes rüberzureichen the Money materially poorer, but the times would contribute to international understanding and social bargain, but this one would have to send the ruling cliques in this country only through the re-education camp.
Thus, the ZDF may, for example, the "poor blacks" to present at least in 3D s.einer green wall. Or something else - I wichs me on it one.
is true, fuck it.
Antwort von deti:

... Only people like you forget that a lot of jobs synonymous s.diesen investments, such as hanging my.
Antwort von pilskopf:

One does not exclude the other but not from synonymous. He does not talk, that the ZDF is to cease to be sent. And I see it on the contrary, of the money you can combine hundreds of pay and has s.end broadcast material to which it is now time in the TV arrives.
Thus, an effect Hascherei studio fits in my opinion not the public but to HSE24 and RTL. Things can only get worse. When news does not stand to 3D. Why should remove any RTL is the audience? Is that their educational mission? Or what do you think, what you can do with the studio better now than before? News colorful packaging? Would really like to know how you will profit them personally except that the 30 Mille can no longer be issued for you.
Antwort von hock jürgen:

Far too exaggerated for a news program. The previous version has given me fully and completely. No Disney in the news such as private individuals. But how to stop again. The show must go on. I would prefer to be as promised to the Football World Cup 2006 in Germany broadcast in HD.
Antwort von nahmo:

@ Deti: I myself had been able to get on it. Thanks for the links.
Antwort von mann:
... Only people like you forget that a lot of jobs synonymous s.diesen investments, such as hanging my. Deti okey, five years warranty work for you, makes 2000 per month = total 120,000 euros, of which we deduct the 30 Africa-million, plus an extra bonus 10,000 for you, then 130,000.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Man
Sach mal man, what hast thou been ever done for Africa?
Have you ever you ever used for any people anywhere here or in Germany?
Age you're still at a level below all sow, from Proverbs, which can then garnix.
We had the issue but until recently, "If you could have one wish free" thread, where was your voice when I said we should encourage the production of Heuschreckenmehl And to think?
Where was your support when I've asked top Dec 08 alle buy an OLPC for the children to enter an education wherever possible?
So real, so who is erpocht to world peace, which should have more time to confess and Flage outing.
And do not bring up with such a shit here, just because he does not have 30 million in the account.
Old Swede slowly disturbs me know your attitude here in the thread a little!
Just because some of the effiz and the progress in sollch an investment not understand demonize them - yes, we have since the Middle Ages.
Everyone has the only nen clueless in business today knows that the ZDF is sollchen projects with real s.der time oriented.
Have heard something of Outsourcing, which means that WE the Youth in D-land have to offer options. To which they do not study abroad and earn money that can our economy are synonymous next.
Have you ever synonymous only Rosenthal crockery are available at home - no, you did not - so great - so you have synonymous Imported dishes in the cupboard available, which was produced in Endeffektt of children.
So before you here so nen as useless nonsense should achievement, wasting taxpayers' money and so Parolles lists .... it is time to make some picture of real problems .... And there's the ZDF studio is by far the smallest problem.
@ deti ... that with the jobs I had been synonymous mentioned at the top, but that was yes, then jump again of some made some.
For the realization of virtual avatars
Yes that would be synonymous, as I already said possible, but a sollcher move would happen quickly and unexpectedly ... so once approached in small tests throughout s.den take viewers ... just as the advertising before .... then make time to replace the weatherman before the newscaster entirely replaced by virtual avatars.
But yes Character design is a very hot topic and the Calculator are getting better, so this will eventually be the next step in evolution - as we now put on synonymous Motion Controlled Camera Dolly has to save in order to really "Money"!
Example Roborter crane ... solely by the accuracy of the tracking shots saves incorporate thousands of Euros, because "I" then the scrap tracken not only has to be 3D effects.
And at a minimum hourly wage of 350 euros, I can tell you are in thousands of dollars so a crane almost .... saves the thing in the shortest time is again recorded.
Sorry understand but not angry, but some people simply have ZERO idea if you sollche projects down trying to make.
B. DeKid
Antwort von pilskopf:

There is no question that such a Roboterkran is cheaper than if there have Proggen 10 Hansel it, it's about that one for such a reputable Nachrrichten showmanship simply not needed. You can do it, you do not have to make. ZDF RTL abhaben viewers will, of course, but the problem is where ZDF quite different. And there are no tax dollars are there verprelmpert but my reward because I must make. Yes, I would never voluntarily pay, I do not like a lot of whistles Plasberg. While yes, you do so, I still synonymous. Yes I have.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

what I've seen so far of it (; 2x today) journal does not completely
has not convinced me ...
The lengths to Abmoderation is worse than before and the moderators
sink into the picture ...
gruß cj
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Of course there are no tax money in the sense ... But I think you are aware what I wanted out.
I just wanted the level again put into place .... Personally I'm really excited because of the step the man with sollchen Errungenschafften dares. That makes me proud and I am sure many synonymous liked my fee. Expectations because I do not imagine, what have I been synonymous by ZDF expected ;-)
I know newbies (; students) with which the crane could do so much more than the "old hands lift" when trying. Well yes, but a student may be synonymous as synonymous times in his training or work later what times profit.
B. DeKid
PS: And do we need before anything in life except a bowl of rice and water and a cloth sheet ;-)
PS2: one where the White Robo Crane (; comes from using this model)? Anyone who sells or manufactures. Perhaps those are jobs out of Germany? -)
Antwort von pilskopf:

At the end of the Robokräne be built robots, s.Computer sits 1 controller. : D I think in a debate where the public broadcasters say loudly and clearly that it is not ausreciht Money and we must increase the GEZ fee, and then built in Gegenastz as a studio for news, disproportionate. More I do not. And I bet that the new studio is much more expensive to maintain than the old. That means it is already built and operating costs are no longer pull the trigger. Or should that be cheaper now? I do not believe this. On the other hand they may be at the expense of 3D special s.Computer Listen and type of controls, the cams have a couple of jobs eliminated. Also I can imagine at least.
But something to say about this s.Anfang Youtube video, the studio where it is shown how the cameraman shaking so hard that I want to vomit, has since Lars Trier Of rotated in person? That it was certainly not a normal user of the HV30 times in the studio was not it? Or was it really ne layman's terms? So if there was a pro, shame, even without Steadier I have to wait because more but I will not prejudged if that was really a private Hansel who was allowed to shoot there. Sowas excites me but at the shows.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
...... More I do not. ....... The synonymous well, you lay hands so synonymous not in your choice of words. Because I can live well with.
Only of man I never expected it to express themselves and find I can not stand the shame.
B. DeKid
PS: The camera has only practiced on the model Crank perhaps planning a 2 section of Run Lola Run to produce and he will then be the DoP;-P
Antwort von mann:

Again another voice, speak article in the Süddeutsche of today, 20.7.: Quoted the deputy chief editor of ZDF, E. Theveßen who answered the question as to why his station has spent 30 million for the newsroom, "We want Germany to produce the clearest messages ", and another in a statement:" We want to come along fresh, cool (;...). "
Well, warm glow-worm to "fresh" and "being cool" and "send-to-understand messages" to give the ZDF managers from 30 million times so simple - the money of other people, mind you.
The subtitle of the South German states: "... the ZDF wants 'fresh' and 'be cool' - the news is sometimes secondary."
And even if the messages were first class - would not justify such a waste of money. Go probably not fail synonymous with the assumption that synonymous with ZDF (at present, be rationalized away free) employees for cost reasons, as in other various media. Let me willing to be convinced of the contrary.
Antwort von drtw:

Bnin quite a beginner what the whole Green Screen and Chromakey technology terms, which makes such great studios.
However, I wanted to ask, with what software is such animations as they can be constructed are then recorded.
I look forward to answers.
Thank you and with best regards,
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Flash, Adobe After Effects, Motion, Nuke, 3D Progis as: Blender, 3dmax, Cinema 4D, Maya, Vue, Terragen.
They are mostly the usual suspects
is synonymous to the task.
B. DeKid
Antwort von TheDrummer:

However, I wanted to ask, with what software is such animations as they can be constructed are then recorded.
Thus then the camera pans to the animated backgrounds fit - and to live - you need motion-controlled cameras.
A computer "knows" what you see virtually the camera with what perspective "and can thus calculate the background.
With software alone is not doing so - one needs to have some s.teurem equipment so that the animation that we created comes across as in AE or Flash, synonymous credible.
If one relies on static cameras, one is not quite as "cool" and "fresh", but you need for a live broadcast only cameras, chroma screen and AE or similar.
If NOT be worked live, there's the possibility of the 3D tracking of shots and the animation rausrechnen (; or the background) over a virtual camera - this is handled is synonymous in Hollywood part.
Antwort von Pianist:
Thus then the camera pans to the animated backgrounds fit - and to live - you need motion-controlled cameras. That is one option, and it is probably synonymous with ZDF. There are, however, the Orad synonymous variant, where a nearly invisible grid on the green or blue screen for the information perspective provides.
Antwort von mann:

I would like to once again return to the studio "s.sich" Today I read an interesting article in the Süddeutsche and me the little trouble to way to copy it over to stop here.
With all due respect to technologically advanced hardware and software solutions: these should be ends in themselves. Otherwise there at some point, the sophisticated mega-Programs, "6D" animations, full automation and robotics what I know, the present ourselves in geilster workmanship but only mediocrities and untruths.
In the following article, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Martin Zips, v. 25./26.7.
A week-walnut counters: News with fronds and glue --- Notice of admin: replace text with a link to the article page SZ ---
Antwort von pilskopf:

I still have something to say about the studio, now it is a little longer ago since it was released and to my Conclusion: bad and can no longer bring you ugly news on TV. So the already lagging behind the third residue, optical transmitters, look for me a catastrophe, the ZDF news. For eetwas so you would need the federal government abmahnung the GEZ payer as a waste. The 'Kamerafehrten are shit, the sections are bad, the MKoderatoren some terribly staged, there's been times the bar 20m tall and the moderator takes a 1m, this animated comic lines are everywhere and only distract from the real with the ugliest studio in the world.
So either they fired the director of these messages or does it come to their senses again and understand what makes news.
Antwort von Alan Smithee:

Why are some on here that will be issued 30 million euros for a studio with current technology?
At least you can see the results every day, some all like it and others do not who it will not see the need to not look at it, yes. If your the RTL news is better, then I watch the still. To me the message of the public broadcasters still better.
On the subject of a waste of money: For the 30 million EUR, at least something is being done, in contrast to the approximately 87,000 million, which were (for the rescue of HRE from the state; verbraten So all of us) as an aid and guarantees. And so now you can you think how many nurseries you could build them and how many starving children in Africa could be to feed them. A lot of fun doing it :-)
Antwort von pilskopf:

This is something completely different. When 30 Mille will be issued so that the quality of the news is bad, and although clearly not only of the presentation, then it should force the synonymous as a paying customer may say. Is a forum so that it is now time. If you do not like, you need the Internet and the use of a different opinion does not synonymous thinking, I'm not forcing you. Just go to 'RTL in our forums if you like better there, where there are no issues of deals.
Antwort von Alan Smithee:

Yes, I have the impression that it is necessary to facilitate more and more content to allow more than an estimated 10% of the population rezipieren sinnerfassend the presented content.
Something like that has become synonymous ZDF probably thought :-)
Perhaps the "Oeffi" should bisect the news in "Tagesschau / day light", with many colorful images for the dumb part of the population and and one bone-dry news for the educated / intelligent part of the population - is surely only going to howl that the each other's news program a waste of license fee payers money is - it just can not please everyone.
@ pilskopf:
The only times I wanted to get into the money - the new studio will cost you as GEZ-payer, not even 1 EUR, which costs HRE "rescue" you (as a taxpayer, on average) more than EUR 1000.
On the one hand is always rumgenörgelt ', which would be public so "clunky" - and when they modernize, then it is not really synonymous. I simply go the self-righteous grumbling on my nerves.
Why should I actually go into the RTL-forum? I gefällts here. :-)