Frage von munichflo:
Beginners I am, therefore I would like to ask what is better,
and ask for help:
1 / films of the first digital camera in AVI format on hard drive then copy cut, video editing, compilation with Ulead
Video Studio 11 and first dan in MPEG 4 and convert to DVD
2 / or of Digtalkamera with Ulead directly into MPEG 4 umwaldelt on
Save hard drive and afterwards with the Ulead Video Editing and
described above and burn to DVD.
3 / or films of the first digital camera in AVI format on hard drive
Copy only with Ulead MPEG 4 and convert to hard drive
and save the converted MPEG-4 File dan crop
video editing, collating and with Ulead DVD burn.
Space on PC, I have a lot of good and fast PC synonymous,
I've now synonymous enough.
I would like to know how that is of better quality? What differences there are between the 3 varinten possibly with advantages and
disadvantage if it is described. So I apologize for any of the above
mentioned variants can decide.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Krummer Hund:

If you have AVI raw materials and enough hard drive is available to:
Work with. Avi's! And finally you create the project in the quality that you want to use for viewing.
Antwort von ingo-b:

Thanks Krummer dog