Frage von Profoto:
Hello dear Slashcamgemeinde,
I have the following problem I have a 2 / 3 "Optics with an adapter s.einer 1 / 2" Camera. I would now like to remove this adapter but I do not know how I can dismantle it. Although I have solved the screw but there is no wobble and there is no jerking off, which is part budge.
Who of you knows it from or can give me a hint in which direction I push or pull or screw must be received at the adapter of the Optics. It is a Panasonic WV-LC25 adapter.
'm Excited and grateful for any idea!
Ps: For purposes of illustration here once more a picture of the adapter
Antwort von tommyb:

On the first picture you see on the left-Page on a lever (or behind the doubler / Extender).
Set entirely on the optics, the camera, hold down the Optics and press this lever up (ie if one would go to the Picture: clockwise).
Maybe you need a little more strength, because these are known Closure happy times "dressed down nicely," so that it keeps properly synonymous.
Antwort von Profoto:

Thanks for your answer,
contact with the tip of the Optics at the Camera is really good. At least I now know the direction to be rotated.
The so-called lever is I believe a screw or trust does not push me out so bad because then determined to break off ..? Because of the small threaded ...
Maybe you could even ran synonymous with a special puller that because as I said the thing was really taken extremely strong.
Antwort von tommyb:

The screw is not a special locking screw, a lever which one must pull upward to unlock the bayonet too.
Look you ask this picture here:
Bajonett geschlossenUnd dann dieses hier:
Mount open The first picture shows off with a camera lens. The second shows a Stillimage WITHOUT Bayonet Lens. Note that there is a plastic part is used (ie) no screw-levers - this, however, has exactly the same function.