Is very good at wikipedia explains:
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Max
In addition, you should expect what you do the recordings, so if you back after SD format like, or if you have them on a monitor to play like, synonymous of the Resolutionhat.
And remember, the higher the Resolutionist, the closer you have to be approached s.das device, or the greater must be, at the same viewing distance.
Many say always, the higher the resolution, the better. That is not true in every case.
The format for digital television, the broadcast of the European Union, the TV stations have been proposed, is 720p50, so a horizontal orientation of 720 pixels with 50 frames / sec.
But there are still a few more dependencies and I can understand hut, which is initially confusing ... but once taken root, you'll quickly understand the thicket.
But just a few things you really need only anlesen.
Antwort von superman:

Many many thanks for the info!
But now another question:
The HD picture has, in addition to 1080 pixels,
yes synonymous with the format of the 720 pixels ...-> But then this is not higher than in SD or? (720x576 pixels, or something ...)
Even a better time Resolutionbringt me nothing more then yes, if I record movies with 25p want to now if someone NEN film on HD spins, and the later closing date will then bring him 60 or more frames per second so nothing. .. because it is the 25 or 24 as needed, or talk trash, I now totally ... ?????
And if the JVC with 25p recording, ie 25 frames per second, and with a horizontal resolution of 720 works, then I think we have an SD Picture ... I just do not come clear, synonymous when I look at the article on Wikipedia is already the fourth time through ...
Many greetings,
Antwort von Axel:

The HD picture has, in addition to 1080 pixels,
yes synonymous with the format of the 720 pixels ...-> But then this is not higher than in SD or? (720x576 pixels, or something ...)
Even a better time Resolutionbringt me nothing more then yes, if I record movies with 25p want to now if someone NEN film on HD spins, and the later closing date will then bring him 60 or more frames per second so nothing. .. because it is the 25 or 24 as needed, or talk trash, I now totally ... ?????
And if the JVC with 25p recording, ie 25 frames per second, and with a horizontal resolution of 720 works, then I think we have an SD Picture ... I just do not come clear, synonymous when I look at the article on Wikipedia is already the fourth time through ...
Many greetings,
The Picture of HDV JVC has 720 (Height) times
1280 (width) pixels, and thus has a real Pal Resolutionvon 2.2 times SD (which is actually higher, since one usually at Pal ja of "i" runs out, ie, the picture consists of two Halbbildfeldern, each only a Height of 288 pixels have).
1080i (Height 1080, anamorph 1440 Width = 1920) is the same subjective impression of sharpness, since the theoretical factor of 3.75 times by the Pal-Interlace vermurkst will botch (a box Height: 540 pixels, the image height is itself during each of the 50 half-phase, only 75% of a 720p image). On the other hand is the representation of motion in 50 phases absolutely better than at 25 - logical, right? What 720p25 to 1080i on s.zeitlicher but information is obtained, when viewing it on a device by progressive loss s.Schärfe
especially moving subjects - the deinterlaces - lost. Says: still lifes and landscapes are in 1080 almost twice as sharp. In order to see the difference you need a very short distance to the screen, you usually do not voluntarily take. For a car racing (sports) or a chase (fiction) decreases the sharpness impression then rapidly under the of 720p.
Optimal: 720p50
Then: 1080p25
Then: 720p25 or 1080i, but in the case of a more favorable 720p25 HDV Compression aufweist.
Antwort von sanvodan:

[quote] and thus has a real Resolutionvon 2,2 [/ qquote]
Nix "resolution" are just pixels!
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Host
Erklär look ....
Antwort von Markus:

Erklär look ....
Presumably this means is that the term "resolution" (specified as ppi or dpi) in the video field is being used for something that is actually "image" (Width × Height in pixels) is called.