Frage von Jitter:
What can we really infer from the test clips, the VAD is thankfully available on the new 1050p50 camcorder? Here is a summary of my observations and guesses. Would be glad if others would be synonymous to the trouble to look once more, and would compare with my admittedly subjective perception.
1. The advantage of the motion resolution of 50p can be seen in the VAD-clips, first with the naked eye to. Only if the 50i and 50p movies with leaves of the single frame, we see the advantage of significantly 50p. On other subjects, the improved motion resolution will be easier to see: If the camera is standing still and move the objects themselves, or if the prosecution turn a background is present, which stands out clearly from pursuing the subject.
2. As before, the automatic white balance is unreliable at Panasonic. Although taken under identical lighting conditions, the 50p recording stains clearly a warmer. At the end of the clip is just the opposite. Here 50i is characterized warmer than 50p. The differences were, because I'm pretty sure little to do with the different shooting modes, but I've seen before with Panasonic camcorders in a record mode.
3. (In low light when the light dims) will extend the automatic shutter speed at 50p, probably at 1 / 25. To recognize the fact that the blurring of the pivot of the doll on the flower ensemble is significantly stronger than with the camera panning before. At 1 / 25 is actually the 50p mode will not be maintained.
Antwort von cliffomalley:

I'm looking for actually often their own - but where VAD can find these videos? Thanks
Antwort von Alf_300:
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Would be glad if others would be synonymous to the trouble to look once more, and would compare with my admittedly subjective perception. VAD provided a
Im Softwareplayer Media Player Classic Homecinema v 1.3.1249.0 läuft der 50p-Clip flüssig.
Der Clip wird of EDIUS Neo 2.5 Booster, Studio 14 HD Ultimate Collection and Cyberlink Power Director 8 Ultra angenommen im 1920x1080-50i Project. Mit allen Programmen ist derzeit nur ein Full-HD Export in 1080i möglich. Nach dem Export bekommt man dann also zwei nicht zeitversetzt aufgenommene Halbbilder im Video , damit kann man synonymous Blu-rays erstellen. Für die Darstellung auf dem HDTV-Panel wird daraus wieder ein Progressivvideo. Im laufe des Jahres werden wohl alle Videochnitthersteller 50p-Settings per Update/Upgrade anbieten.
In Echtzeit and Vollauflösung läuft der 50p-Clip s.besten in EDIUS Neo Booster auf meinem i7-870 DV Editing-PC, der Echtzeitpuffer verliert keine Frames, synonymous nicht im Falle of PIP auf der zweiten Videospur (die max. Zahl der Überlagerungsspuren für Nativclip-PIP habe ich noch nicht ausgelotet). Der 50p-Clip läßt sich ferner in EN-B in ein Intermediate HQ-AVI bequem konvertieren. Die 50p bleiben erhalten and das Intermediate-Files läuft dann synonymous auf schwächeren PCs (z.B. auf Basis des Q6600) absolut flüssig auf der Timeline.
Per Streaming vom PC aus des Originalclips and Wiedergabe auf dem Full-HDTV ist per SonyPS3 flüssig and ohne Ruckler möglich.
Nachfolgend ein 1:1 Ausschnittsvergleich der Lowlightfähigkeit bei 20 Lux Objektausleuchtung, links SonyHDR-CX 520 VE, rechts Panasonic HDC-TM700:
zum Bild
Die Lowlightfähigkeit der TM700 ist enttäuschend im Comparison zu der SonyCX520 vom Vorjahr, das Bildrauschen der Panasonic TM700 ist keine Innovation. Sonylegt ja dieses Jahr vermutlich noch etwas drauf with der SonyHDR-XR550 VE Meßlabor-Testclip
Im Softwareplayer Media Player Classic Homecinema v 1.3.1249.0 läuft der 50p-Clip flüssig.
Der Clip wird of EDIUS Neo 2.5 Booster, Studio 14 HD Ultimate Collection and Cyberlink Power Director 8 Ultra angenommen im 1920x1080-50i Project. Mit allen Programmen ist derzeit nur ein Full-HD Export in 1080i möglich. Nach dem Export bekommt man dann also zwei nicht zeitversetzt aufgenommene Halbbilder im Video , damit kann man synonymous Blu-rays erstellen. Für die Darstellung auf dem HDTV-Panel wird daraus wieder ein Progressivvideo. Im laufe des Jahres werden wohl alle Videochnitthersteller 50p-Settings per Update/Upgrade anbieten.
In Echtzeit and Vollauflösung läuft der 50p-Clip s.besten in EDIUS Neo Booster auf meinem i7-870 DV Editing-PC, der Echtzeitpuffer verliert keine Frames, synonymous nicht im Falle of PIP auf der zweiten Videospur (die max. Zahl der Überlagerungsspuren für Nativclip-PIP habe ich noch nicht ausgelotet). Der 50p-Clip läßt sich ferner in EN-B in ein Intermediate HQ-AVI bequem konvertieren. Die 50p bleiben erhalten and das Intermediate-Files läuft dann synonymous auf schwächeren PCs (z.B. auf Basis des Q6600) absolut flüssig auf der Timeline.
Per Streaming vom PC aus des Originalclips and Wiedergabe auf dem Full-HDTV ist per SonyPS3 flüssig and ohne Ruckler möglich.
Nachfolgend ein 1:1 Ausschnittsvergleich der Lowlightfähigkeit bei 20 Lux Objektausleuchtung, links SonyHDR-CX 520 VE, rechts Panasonic HDC-TM700:
zum Bild
Die Lowlightfähigkeit der TM700 ist enttäuschend im Comparison zu der SonyCX520 vom Vorjahr, das Bildrauschen der Panasonic TM700 ist keine Innovation. Sonylegt ja dieses Jahr vermutlich noch etwas drauf with der
As expected, the individual frames of the TM700 in the case of 50p significantly sharper presented (test with single frame!) Than the individual frames of the 50i recording (also on the VAD website!) With the TM700 with significantly stronger blurring. Panning and moving objects are more clearly shown in the 50p mode, which is what was expected of 50p.
Top of the picture we see a very stark difference between the white balance Sonyand Panasonic camera shot. Similarly, synonymous, the difference between 50i and 50p in the case of a pure Panasonic recording.
Preliminary Conclusion:
At the very least limited to the Lowlightfähigkeit the Panasonic TM 700 is a disappointment for me, would have expected as much more with the 3MOS-resolution CCD and the Lensöffnung of 1.2.
Antwort von Jitter:

Thanks Bruno,
regarding the Lowlightfähigkeit you lie probably correct. In the 3-mos-Cams is ultimately the same chip installed as the new Pana-middle class, but just 3 times more intense light, the lens (1:1,5) it will not change much.
The VAD 50p clip can be easily MultiAvchd is on the way with a Blu ray and overrun of my Panasonic BD reproduced without hesitation 60th However, it slightly jerky in the pan, with the freeze frame but we recognize the great motion resolution. Whether MultiAvchd herunterrechnet the file in the 50p frame rate, or whether the player is overwhelmed with 50p (which I rather suspect), I do not know.
The problem of 50p will - as I'm sure! - Not the post be (what can the Manufacturer with a plug in or upgrade easily solved). Critical playback s.Television and digital projectors.
The synonymous here already can guess:
Here you'll find in a footnote to note that the Viera Image Viewer and BluRay players will not work in 50/60p-Modus. Camcorderintern is when playing on the AVCHD format (ie, presumably 50i) format.
If then the adventure 50p enters an appearance and synonymous to benefit from the increased movement of resolution will come, should ensure that its software can cut spending in 720p50. In order to cope the best LCD and plasma.
Down sampling I 's and even tried out the VAD-Clip with Edius Neo 1 (!) To 720p50 WMV (12mb/sec) can. Hardly visible loss of sharpness, motion resolution as the original. Neo 1 50p loads without problems, a and it can even - when reflect synonymous - slowed.
Too bad that Panasonic does not have the 720p50 mode directly involved. This would serve the state of television technology users currently more. And if the device hardly expensive. And I probably would have bought me. So I'm still waiting.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
The VAD 50p clip can be easily MultiAvchd is on the way with a Blu ray and overrun of my Panasonic BD reproduced without hesitation 60th But it is probably a 50i Blu-ray, is it?
If then the adventure 50p enters an appearance and synonymous to benefit from the increased movement of resolution will come, should ensure that its software can cut spending in 720p50. In order to cope the best LCD and plasma.
Down sampling I 's and even tried out the VAD-Clip with Edius Neo 1 (!) To 720p50 WMV (12mb/sec) can. Hardly visible loss of sharpness, motion resolution as the original. Nöö, I do not want to downsize and then leave again the play of upscale appliances!
Antwort von Jitter:

I have of MultiAvchd with the 50p clip examines created Blu ray again. It's actually become 108p50 - uverändert compared to the original, synonymous in the file size!
Power DVD shows me that are read approximately 21 to 28 MB / sec. When the jerky Power DVD Blu Ray even more clearly than when playing with the Panasonic BD 60th
It is thus clear: 1080p50 can - although not in the Blu ray include specifications - burn to the disc. The reproduction does not succeed in liquid form. Whether it's a media player does better, maybe someone will find out differently.
Antwort von csinus:

I have the BR-Test player described as jitter of just made synonymous.
LG BD 370 and 1500 both give the Samsung BD 1080p50 file again in the pan, but it comes to picture-and Tonrucklern. Stillimage comes in both. While the LG had significantly less dropouts, but not synonymous runs smoothly.
Since I wanted to buy myself this year, an HD Cam and while the new Panasonic would be a hot candidate to me now is the question of which BR player can play back smoothly this format? No use to me 1080p50/28 MB Cam, whose best recording quality, I can only watch smoothly s.schnellen PC or when I leave the runterrechnen Quallität only need to allow normal living units represent smoothly the videos! This would indeed be my main reason for the purchase Pansaonic fell.
Anybody know any BR player in the video without Runterrechnen this test in the original quality running smoothly?
Gruss Ralf
Antwort von Jitter:

Hello Ralf,
I am sure that the Blu ray player currently does not exist. The Panasonic BD 60/80 are - which regards representation of movement - at the moment solitary point. If they can not 1080p50 display in liquid, there can no other. On my player will play indeed seems to run even better than with your two players. But I am sure that the next generation of Panasonic players will be able to. Then, the SD Card will be synonymous with 1080p50 files can play directly through the player (which now only works with 1080i). 720p50, of recorded high-definition TV and burned to Blu ray that plays BD 60 has now completely fluent.
Do you have a Media Player (WD TV, etc.)? You just try once to play the clip.
Antwort von Jitter:

Here's an interesting message for playback of 1080p50 on Panasonic Blu ray:
Antwort von csinus:
... Do you have a Media Player (WD TV, etc.)? You just try once to play the clip. No, we have not (yet). Although it is for us in the house certainly would be an option, if there is to work.
But I give up and out again synonymous videos s.The affinity. And I'm up for a new BR player persuaded to get (because usually 50 +). And since I do not want to block for each case erstmal my calculator for extra Runterrechen, there must be for me a practical answer to general solutions for this recording quality. Otherwise, will not last with Panansonic 1080p50/28 and I will instead take the Sony550 ...
But look at something new BR afford Player of Panasonic on this issue. Do you have more info about this?
On the subject of quality or just my personal impression:
The much-abused Lowlighteigenschaften I find in Comparison to my old DV-Cam actually quite good. Especially when I reflect that the full-HD Cam needs to expose a lot more pixels. Because frankly bothers me more this apparent uncertainty and the false color in this test video (especially the red is so cruel). I have however only the Comparison to my old cam, since I now synonymous both recordings could be compared directly with us s.TV ...
Antwort von csinus:
Here's an interesting message for playback of 1080p50 on Panasonic Blu ray: Somehow it seems to me slowly as if Panasonic has slept through the new Sony series 550s and wanted to build something quickly and later still a feature of its own, new camcorder!?
Has there been asleep as the usual economic espionage??
Incidentally, I am the way, pretty sure Sonyin could install the 550igern synonymous 1080p50, if they so wish would be. But it is supposed to eventually buy every year a new Sony camcorder. Uswegen this company policy I would actually not buy Sony. Panasonic makes me but my current Camcoderentscheidung synonymous not easy ...
Rene Gruss
Antwort von Alf_300:

After a very few have a full HD 1080p television with the testing on a broad front is synonymous to anything, not to mention that it means twice the amount of data that are and BD / Re DL still quite expensive
For private home video maker that is then less likely.
Antwort von csinus:
After a very few have a full HD 1080p television with the testing on a broad front is synonymous to anything, not to mention that it means twice the amount of data that are and BD / Re DL still quite expensive
For private home video maker that is then less likely. ... Alf, the Television or BR-Prices we still have not yet been tested and evaluated /. And above data, I have no fear, there must be only for the consumer camcorder synonymous a suitable consumer player.
If I fail, and the jitter value of 1080p50/28 the new Panasonic camcorders have in mind that we can capture images without Runterrechen on any of our "old" commercial living-play smoothly player. This player-effect would probably happen synonymous with HD-Ready ...
I am a private home video maker and would like this year a new HD-Cam. So I am s.Forschen and comparisons, all constructive input helps ...
Antwort von Alf_300:

@ Csinus
If you DICR rumtreiben something on the Internet, you will find that the others have already arrived there, which was not even started the right place.
With 1080p50 it would be reasonably safe on the page, especially as the CAMs can indeed synonymous 1080i.
As for me, so I have substantial savings but I do not I'll just imagine that everything runs smoothly,
Antwort von csinus:
@ Csinus
If you DICR rumtreiben something on the Internet, you will find that the others have already arrived there, which was not even started the right place.
With 1080p50 it would be reasonably safe on the page, especially as the CAMs can indeed synonymous 1080i.
As for me, so I have substantial savings but I do not I'll just imagine that everything runs smoothly, Dear Alf,
You speak to me in riddles sometimes, sorry
1080p50 is the future video standard, I am thinking, we agree!?
If I have you as so understood, would you favor for a new cam 1080p50 regardless of Consumer Players available today?