Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Test: 10bit SDI with the SonyPMW EX1 + Megacine of rob - 13 Jan 2008 20:36:00 > According to the data of Sonyliegt s.SDI Out of the PMW-EX1 a complete 10bit uncompressed 4:2:2 signal. We have a short test in a pair of frames captured and make available for download for personal and evaluation available. We have the same picture as an additional MPEG2 signal, so that a comparison between 10-bit uncompressed HD material and EXCAM (35MBits) becomes possible.
Antwort von vidwalter:

That ye sowas undergoing a practical test is great! Because interesting. What would be the solution because Megacine cost?
Antwort von adel:

man can not with a Q6600 with 2 tb samsong new hdd machen.with riad 0 make 400mbs write.