Frage von ANKn:
Halli, Hallo,
I have a movie in 16:9 rotated. 'm Now all ready cut and now I want to just watch the film on a perfectly ordinary 4:3 televisions come. But now the film is presented in 4:3 and squashed. What do I need now to make the film on any televisions come in a 16:9 show?
I hope you can help me.
Mfg. André
Antwort von jens:

Look in the setup of your DVD player. Presumably there is a 16:9 TV display device as indicated.
Antwort von ANKn:

Nope this is unfortunately not synonymous ... I have to dub the film on videotape, and the whole ne s.Filmochschulen Shick .... but thanks anyway!
Antwort von chrisgau:

The Tip of jens was right. With the proper configuration of the output format, you say your DVD player, that he squeezed anamorphic material available in a letterbox (read: black bars above and below) and will spend this. You can now hang your VCR s.den output of your DVD player should be synonymous get to see this the correct format.
Antwort von ANKn:

Thanks for the help, I'll test it s.DVD time player, but you can still synonymous already guaranteed s.PC set so that s.allen television sets, the film is presented in 16:9 and not squashed 4:3. Or is it not?
Mfg. André
Antwort von jens:

Well, you can set in several authoring programs, whether for example. 16:9, for example, the film s.einem 4:3 letterboxed or full-screen TV (Pan & Scan), etc. will be displayed. That is, you can set how the film s.einem 16:9 - and 4:3-TV to display.
Basic requirement is that your player is configured for the right television.
One therefore has nothing to do with the other.
Distortion / Incorrect presentation you will still have.
Why do not you just alter your config.? Is still not at hard ...
For most users of the DVD player is configured correctly, incidentally (I should say).
So you need not worry that your DVD is widely misrepresented ...
Antwort von Markus:

Hi All,
we speak of the same storage media? I think it would matter to play the movie on VHS, so that it is synonymous played on televisions in the 4:3-aspect ratio. Since there is no use making settings for burning a DVD ...
Tip Of Christian
Antwort von ANKn:

indeed correct, the whole really has nothing to do with DVD ^ ^, of course, synonymous with the method I found quite interesting;)
I'm ebenhalt the movie in 16:9 rotated, got cut in Ulead Video Editor and then the whole of the final film once again played on the camera. In Windows Media Player and synonymous in my camera the film is presented in 16:9 ..... but if I want to look at the film on a 4:3 televisions come is the Picture squeezed and 4:3
What's the matter of methods since then?
Mfg. André
Antwort von jens:

Achsooooo, say 's but equal ... ;-) Most of the questions relate generally to DVDs ...
As far as I look over, you can do nothing except make your 16:9 footage to 4:3 scale to. But: you will need to take a loss of quality in Purchase and why you have rotated at all in 16:9?
Here, a few props. Jens
Just look for whether your TV manual can be switched to 16:9 (newer models may be able to ;-)
Antwort von ANKn:

Yes I am sorry if it wanted to tell you more, but have not come about;) hrhr
Okey thanks for the links, I'll probably scale with the hinbekommen!
But why did I rotated in 16:9? ... Well, if the camcorder has a 16:9 support already, so why not use it? So I am a newcomer to the whole thing and still not know me so really good, as you may already notice ^ ^. Where then lies the disadvantage of it (except that I now have the problem with the 4:3 Fernsehrn;)?
Antwort von Markus:

16:9 So I find very appealing synonymous. This allows (synonymous) great attitudes rotate. Only most of my clients are (still) very fixated on 4:3 ... ;-)
Antwort von jens:
Where then lies the disadvantage of it (except that I now have the problem with the 4:3 Fernsehrn;)? Well just in it!
When scaling your material suffers a loss of quality not to be despised. It makes no sense aufzunemen in 16:9 and then resize the whole thing in 4:3.
I would s.deiner body burn my fun on DVD, watch the whole in the correct aspect ratio (with bars top and bottom) and now only shoot in 4:3 mode, if you always want the movies alone look at the tape ...
* edit *:
Well Mark, but 's does not make any sense if one' s then scaled in 4:3. Sure, I preferred synonymous movies in 16:9. Allows nice compositions. But a debate: Which is better 4:3 or 16:9 is even more doubtful. The main challenge is indeed on the subject / Project on (and the output devices should be synonymous if not ignore ;-).
When I try to send a post edited, I want to turn on the forum software occasionally 3 to 5 times its preview send without the whole.
So 'ne mess but synonymous ;-)
Antwort von Markus:
When I try to send a post edited, I want to turn on the forum software occasionally 3 to 5 times its preview send without the whole. The synonymous, I know! My trick is to add an x-arbitrary character and delete it, then accepted the forum the message as "revised and submission for". ;-)