my problem: I have a cut film with Windows Movie Maker 2.1.4 (-.-) in 16:9 format. is synonymous material was 16:9. PC plays the film synonymous in this format.
Now I have the movie successfully on dvd burned with Nero Vision Express 3; Menu item: "VR to create or modify" have nero synonymous converted to 16:9
top quali, but the problem is that when I play DVD s.meinem tv, the format is 4:3 and not 16:9 ... TV device is a universe from the year 2000, toshiba dvd player SD-210E from the same year.
TV has no adjustment for 16:9 but the dvd player. "normal", "LB" and "16:9" I present to normal, everything is squashed to 4:3 I am at LB is synonymous with everything squashed but a black box around the image I have widescreen on the side bar s.der but not top and bottom .....
can it really s.meinen equipment, or I have something wrong or overlooked?
if I had denied information sry asks simply. I have the dvd till saturday to get running, is for a birthday
hülfe: <
thanks for reading ... LG veli
PS: I have the forum and searched the site, but an exact solution to my specific problem is not found: (sry if ichs should have read about ...
Antwort von jansi:
Oje. How often have you's because probiert? Do you have another option your film on DVD to burn? What happens if you get the DVD s.PC look?
Antwort von Markus:
Hi Veli,
in the setup menu of the DVD player you have to change the image of the connected state television. Is there an indication agree with your device?
Antwort von Veli:
oh wow so quick reply freu * * thank you!
alsooo .... ich hab mal with DivX Player 2.6 s.pc compatriots ... same problem, logs are s.den sites and film is bruised.
and I again just with the dvd player and tv rumgespielt, with the same result. my dvd player has exactly 3 options (LB, normal and wide) and all three of the result is not 16:9 -.-
do you, I should say with another burning program to try?
Antwort von Markus:
Hmmm, my query went unanswered. I meant no output option for different image formats, but the words in that menu that you normally only call times, namely at the first startup. If ever.
How did the movie because the movie maker out? As a DV-AVI? And a DVD-Video, or you have created a DVD-ROM?
The DivX player has nothing with video DVDs (MPEG2, DivX is not) to do?
Antwort von jansi:
Or another editing program, which directly encode the film on DVD burning. However, you have to re-cut the film. Halt. Have you ever tried your movie as an AVI file to render, and viewed on a PC? When the then quite normal in 16:9 is playing, you can put in another editing program, the AVI recording and "normal" burn to DVD.
Antwort von Veli:
omg's with now is too complicated: (
@ markus:'ve never set up a different menu for the dvd player gesehn than I with the set-up button can call up, so n.O_o
but so far have had no problems ....
also plays DivX player (which is simply one of the players I've tried, because I accidentally aufm pc hab if NEN better who knows only too;)) has the right not synonymous video from ... Fired less than the video!
the file is aufm PC of Winamp correctly. from the DivX player does not ... except I put on around 16:9, but "original format" is supposedly 4:3. windows media player will play correctly from synonymous.
file format is. wmv
another editing program in this instance is not in question, film has to be finished by saturday ...
I try it just now with the current burning software ... : X
thx for the answer!
Antwort von Markus:
"Veli" wrote:
file format is. wmv
Since we have been the culprit! Accordingly, so you have a DVD-ROM, in the vernacular as a data DVD known. The possibility of such discs on standard DVD players play is limited.
If the Picture-/Tonträger of as many DVD players play correctly may be to create a so-called DVD-Video. Burning programs that often have their own templates that are synonymous just hot.
(you can see I've fully the bearing of all -.- sry for the circumstances: /)
* s.neuen still burning pgm ruminstallier *
Antwort von Markus:
"A / e Nameless / r wrote:
on the dvd are. BUP. IFO and. VOB files
Okay, then you have obviously have a DVD burned. Let's see what happens to me (later) think of ...
Antwort von Axel Karrer:
soooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ersma another fettes THX s.euch and your quick reply!
I've got my super quali perfect dvd video format burn .... !
just installed the latest nero (trial. .. T_T) and schwupps gings ...
because one thinks one has done anything wrong and never do next, it lags only (such as domestic or mostly?) s.veralteter software and had no other underlying -.-