Frage von milchmichi:
Hello everybody!
I'm looking for a 16mm film material that has a special look, a little s.Filme past (70s and 80s) will remember.
That is, the contrast is very hard (hard edges), the colors are a little unnatural act (eg exaggerated blue, dark green fir trees right in a pitch-black people black hair, bright red lips, etc.) Sorry if I am too detailed 'm gone (film already had in mind).
I need the film for the production of a fairytale-like plot.
(to be romantic and 'magically' across)
I have had ever since s.den Fujicolor 64 D thought. (nice)
But since it still needs more.
Weiß da jemand decision?
For advice, I would be very grateful.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

One thread goes!
Well, the 64D is actually completely natural. I believe that what you need is a reversal film. This was in the 70s-80s even in the TV area worked.
Everything else is in any case, a lighting issue. Perhaps you will find an example but synonymous image to something better able to explain where the fairy-tale journey should ...
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Do you perhaps sowas? :)
zum Bild
Antwort von Axel:
Do you perhaps sowas? :) That was the DEFA film adaptation of "Der Kleine Hobbit". At the time, Walter Ulbricht in a guest role in the Gondolf. Highly recommended.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

... almost looks like Technicolor from the 50s, but had the DEFA this technique?
Interesting to read:
on the entire site ... Cameras as big as freezers :-)))
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Axel:

On the subject of Technicolor gives me
this With modern 16mm film, reversal film synonymous, it is difficult, a Technicolor look to create a purely digital.
Sometimes, an effect produced by unusual Makeup: The halbgeöffnete mouth of Isabella Rosselini in Blue Velvet: The perlmuttschimmernden teeth and deep red lips. The teeth were coated with gelatin and the lips mattrot powdered. Nevertheless, a color correction nachgeholfen have.
From an everyday environment makes s.synonymous with the best tools Postpro not a fairy tale land, not exceeding one Drogentrip MTV. The set, costumes, makeup and lighting are more than half the battle. Nobody has ever so well formulated as surreptitious Michel:
It would be advantageous if the images of a priori not much need to be corrected, since the light has been clever.
I owe this simple sentence a lot. Say what is true, drink what is clear, take what is there.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Let's Wait, what the questioner meant for a look. For 70-80s I do not necessarily s.den old Technicolor look. I have the synonymous posted just for fun, but it fits well with the synonymous description (but not 70s 80s).
Perhaps he thinks it a "Timm Thaler" look? Then probably rather the Kodak 7299 and then tinker. In any case, with makeup, lighting and equipment will be done, what no preference. Since you have already.
Also the sound should be mixed according to age.
The drifts but rather in the nostalgia-rail, as Märchenhaft or Romantic.