Newsmeldung von slashCAM: 2:46 Blender is ... of thomas - 20 May 2008 14:33:00 Of course it should be primarily the 3D animators are happy, however, the program has now synonymous in the editing area clean growth. Besides even better format support through ffmpeg, there is now real Überblendmodi (eg, in the premiere, we still miss), snap-functions on the timeline, color correction, Scopes, zebra preview and many other gimmicks that first explored and mastered want to be. Our tip: Pure and traps can try!
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Antwort von Becolux:

Thanks for the info
Antwort von hansjuergen:

hallo thomas,
very stupid question (head between the shoulders sinking)
what do you (you) actually with "real fading modes" - I've premiere of 3.0 to - and now the P-elements (because too stingy my 4 years old cs up-to-graden)
and with my simple crossfade I never had problems --
hans juergen
Antwort von Debonnaire:

He says Ebenenverrechnungsmodi as in AE or Photoshop: ZB Multiply, Difference, Luminance, etc
And Premiere Pro CS3 with this video-Effect "Compound Arithmetic" (do not know how the words in German) in the "Channel" folder (probably "channel" or "channels") by offering, if synonymous, admittedly, a lot deeply hidden than in AE, where it directly as a clip-select Property.
Antwort von hansjuergen:

thank Debonnaire
Now I see clearer - schoenes weekend
hans juergen