Frage von SW:
Good day everyone.
I have a question that would be:
What user-friendly video editing program can be 2 videos in a show? A buddy and I each have filmed with a camcorder and want to now while the filmed side by side in a video have.
If I had a bad ausgedrück, here again a sketch:
Antwort von Wiro:

can any editing program that includes several tracks z.Vfg. has.
Put the two videos in 2 lanes on each other, scale it down to 50% and push it out there where you want to have it.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von SW:

Thank you very much.
With Ulead Video Studio 9 is only moderate, since only the 2nd video for the track can change the size. Is there a similarly straightforward program? Other elaborate special effects I did not before, much like Adobe Premiere, where I am right in handling problems with that, it must not be.
Antwort von alibaba:

Avid for Picture in Picture Effect
Antwort von Peter2003:

... or with Magix VideoLuxe