Frage von Kahle:
I have a movie with the Adobe Premiere has been made and then exported as avi. He is now 25GB in size, I would like this movie now on DVD burn. How do I s.besten.
I have:
OS X 10.5.6
Quick Time Pro
and the entire Creative Suite Master Edition
Were thankful for help.
So I had him at times with QT mov kompriemiert is now 7GB and the quality is not satisfactory.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

DVD should be in MPEG2 format.
I've unfortunately PC then I would recommend you TMPEGenc, which does not run on MAC - I've just so gekuckt here
B. DeKid
One (DVD) bit Calc. should you recommend someone synonymous, so what can you always use. Kenn But I do not synonymous for MAC.
Antwort von Wotan:

Kenn now Final Cut is not as good, but any fee-editing program can usually spend a DVD, so just the thing in Final Cut and import a DVD should not spend so much harder ...
lg, harry
Antwort von Kahle:
Kenn now Final Cut is not as good, but any fee-editing program can usually spend a DVD, so just the thing in Final Cut and import a DVD should not spend so much harder ...
lg, harry So I have Premiere and thus does not work that way or I do not know how.
I have now also with Quick Time as Apple Intermediate Codec on 13GB exported and then burned with iDVD.
Antwort von tommyb:
and then burned with iDVD. ... 4.7 GB on a large blank, compatible with one.
iDVD is probably your video must have changed. To maximize the quality to achieve, you should see your cut, however, in the native codec of the material export (eg HDV or DV) and then fed into iDVD.
Antwort von Kahle:
and then burned with iDVD.
... 4.7 GB on a large blank, compatible with one.
iDVD is probably your video must have changed. To maximize the quality to achieve, you should see your cut, however, in the native codec of the material export (eg HDV or DV) and then fed into iDVD. Thanks for the hint.
I had read somewhere that it was with this codec export needs.