Frage von roku105:
someone told me that I am at a 25p recording (DVX100be) more bucking at a slow motion as a have in my current FX1 (50i), supposedly I could because of the fields even more "blurred", because "more pictures". What is truth? Would like to work with the DVX100, but when they told me in slow motion (for downhill, motocross shots), I can not bring synonymous with the FX 1 remain. always look at the films that shoot with the DVX100 ... and see the pictures because aus.Liegt Top synonymous but perhaps because it is shown in the Net? Hmm .... krübbel krübbel .. help me !!!!!
Thank roku105!
Greeting s.PowerMac ... ... lots of fun with correct :-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

First: from 25p makes no slow motion. If already in 25i or 50i.
Severe decision. Here goes an old rum DVX and I hardly ever use it. The picture is just SD when synonymous beautiful, very beautiful. The Picture of DVX is for me a beautiful and pleasant than the FX1. The FX1 instead has a very clean picture: noise-free, sharp, balanced, but very "video-like". Runterkonvertiert on SD, the images of FX1/Z1 better than the Picture of the DVX, if synonymous him a little bit of film, warm character is missing. The Z1 offers greater reserves. The Picture to s.sich.
For slow motion: The DVX can next to the beautiful 25p the 50i, which is now called 25i. From these 50 stages, you can move, just like in the FX1/Z1- a double win slow motion. It makes from each field a full and thus has a dual slow motion. Only now the FX1 has a four-fold resolution compared to the DVX, so there where no problems from the high resolution can make full fields, while at the DVX looks like shit.
Ergo: FX1, Z1 better take. A little bit with the shutter (1/50-1/100 S) experiment and in the slow post office. In addition, the Optical Flow filter, or just the expensive plug-ins some of Twixtor.
Antwort von Marco:

If 25p excuse for slow motion, then in my experience s.besten exactly only for a 50% slow motion without any interpolation or any other process on the new image calculation. So the old traditional method by Framedopplung. That is at 50% in many subjects just about acceptable. But as well as Interplation, blending or other types of resampling come with (or even by the then necessarily need the hammer method Framedoppelns) looks like when unansehlich from 25p.
So if you are already before turning white: for the slow motion shots better 25i (50 fields) or 50p to use.
If it is only after turning white: in the acidic bite of apple and for Slomos at exactly 50% slomo remain the same, or omit entirely.
As I said, based on my personal experience. Whether special tools even when slow-25p starting material can score points, I do not know.