Frage von Jotob1993:
times I need a good animation software where you can eg. jpg files can be animated and can be. avi or. mpg file can export. I would therefore like to make a header that is so similar as to be of the James Bond-Casino Royale
thanks in advance
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Frames with Photoshop and / or illustrator, animation with After Effects or Premiere Pro. That's it.
Antwort von Jotob1993:

I am grateful to make me equal s.die work've yet to version 3.1 of After Effects ;-)
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Well well ... then yes losrauschen's! Good luck! Let us then times the result kommentieren! :-)
Antwort von Jotob1993:

see you soon
Antwort von allgaeulady:
