Newsmeldung von slashCAM:3-D reconstruction of objects from pictures of thomas - 9 Aug 2006 13:06:00 One of the University of Washington and Microsoft together developed program called Photosynth reconstructed from a variety of photos of the same object at different times from different perspectives a 3-D model. The original photos are then arranged in this three-dimensional space, depending on the detail they show. Are there enough pictures can be zoomed in on individual details and excerpts are virtually synonymous committed such a building "through different images. Shown is the reconstructed 3-D space synonymous the position of which was shot from a photo of each. Thought the whole thing is USALS novel interface for photo collections and a virtual tour. The application should be later this year in the form of a web application available. We have linked a video that beautifully demonstrates the application of Photosynth. Online, there is a Java synonymous
Live-Demo . Sehr schön lässt sich das Konzept s.Touristenattraktionen zeigen, die per se tausendfach photographiert werden. Wie weit wird dann noch der Weg sein zur Rekonstruktion ganzer Städte aus den Millionen Schnappschüssen ihrer Einwohner?
to the news report
Antwort von mint400:

with 3d has imo not too much to do ( "postcards in space" triffts better) ... So microsoft has made a program that auto zusammenstitcht photos. okay.
shake the can as far as I know .... synonymous
Antwort von tom:
with 3d has imo not too much to do ( "postcards in space" triffts better) ... So microsoft has made a program that auto zusammenstitcht photos. okay.
shake the can as far as I know .... synonymous As seen in the example video, calculated Photosynth photogaphierten actually a three-dimensional model of the object, while photos are stitched synonymous here, but that takes place in a reconstructed 3-D space, the result is a coarse 3-D model whose surfaces are textured to speak with Photos . The navigation via the photo thumbnails in the room is only one possible application - the functionality of the Java demo (which I think you mean) is significantly different of the shown in the video software.