Frage von frm:
has anyone of you a good address where I have a 35mm adapter for EX1 for a few days can rent? P + S or s.liebsten Letus extreme as I look at the synonymous wants to hire purchase if they are good.
Thank you very much
Antwort von adel:

yes to me for how long do you need them. A week 250 euro.inkl everything ... "follw focus linse rod Letus extreme ex1 ket"
Antwort von meister hubert:

Perhaps the whole being serious when you have at least some words großschreibst or at least approximate spelling test and Zeichensetztung beach ... alone for clarity;)
Even I with German as a foreign language can do better: D
Antwort von wontuwontu:

So do you s.besten with a Pro35 and an EX3, which is currently the best thing you can get s.35mm setups. Have tested the thing and it can be recommended. No Comparison to a Letus ...
Buy I would not, however, because biste for the complete setup slack times los 40.000 ¬. Well worth the rent but has more.
Antwort von schellemedia:

we rent a Letus Extreme adapter 35!
Just look at our website ....
grüsse jürgen