Frage von curtis:
A very good day together!
I want to buy a 35mm adapter, because I love to play with DOF on my VX2100 and the possibilities are limited because logically.
I have in recent months, the developments in the indie sector and pursued me now cut the weekend around the ears to make a decision. And this is not at present offer easy.
So now I am looking for experience reports and opinions of people that such a thing to call their own, or have already used it.
Choices are made closer to budgetary reasons to date:
Redrock M2
here G35
hier(momentan ausgelastet)
SG35 (oder bald SG35pro) (Homepage immo nicht erreichbar)
Relativ ordentlich sehen synonymous der
Indie35 Brevis35
Ich will ca1500 Euro für den Adapters selber ausgeben, damit noch genug Money für FollowFocus, Lenses, Matte and eventl. Rod übrig bleibt.
Dann kommt ja noch Inch, etc drauf.
Ich tendiere bisher zum M2 of Redrock, wobei es wirklich schwierig ist, eindeutige Qualitätsunterschiede zwischen den Adaptern zu erkennen, da das vorhandene Beispiel-Footage doch äußerst stark vaiiert. Es kommt halt doch synonymous aufs vorhandene Know-How an.
Ich habe also die letzten zwei Tage sämtliche Beiträge auf slashcam, hackermovies,, filmerforum and vor allem natürlich durchgesehen and unzählige Beispielclips angesehen. Die Meinungen variieren stark. Der Grund für meine Tendenz zum M2 ist vor allem die weite Verbreitung des Adapters, die gesehenen Beispielclips, die ausgereifte Konstruktion and unter anderem der folgende
hier(momentan ausgelastet)
SG35 (oder bald SG35pro) (Homepage immo nicht erreichbar)
Relativ ordentlich sehen synonymous der
Article. Here, the M2 comes off really well, synonymous in Comparison to the more expensive adapters, such as the Mini35 of P + S or the Movietube.
So who can help me here to make a decision?
Thank you in advance for any reply. P.
Antwort von chmee:

Well, especially the latter report is already a pro intercession Redrock. If I had money and no time, then I would buy this. :)
I was just sitting off to build a on your own and have done up to 95%.
The test phases with different Groundglasses not expected to.
Ergo, I can wish you much success in the election, but no
Give advice.
Here surely been synonymous gestöbert:
mfg chmee
achja, 35mm to my building --
-> Cinemek not busy, but purely and simply not Viewable in IE.
Antwort von curtis:

Thanks for your post.
The dvinfo Forum is the only one I've found, where 35 mm adapters discussed in detail. I have read every thread has been written since the publication of that adapter. And all the video views. I will denoch Continue shopping. If anyone still has a link for comparisons between the adapter or information, always let me know!
PS With "Busy" I thought that Cinemek currently accepting any orders that are busy so their production capacities.
With the friendliest, P.
Antwort von prem:

I stand at the same decision.
For what did you decide?
Evt would be a bulk order cheaper:)
Lg Sammy
Antwort von PowerMac:

The newest M2 and the G35 to give unreal a lot ...
Antwort von curtis:

@ Powermac:
The G35 would irritate me already synonymous, although he is currently not available, or the boys of cinemek are overloaded.
@ Sammy: I've erstmal opted for a 1 TB raid, a 24 Inch of Dell and the magic bullet suite, because the needs of my clients have changed a little. I'll probably still a need to wait two orders to me again until I can afford equipment for their own projects.
If you should have in the meantime had made a decision, but please write of your experiences with the adapter. Otherwise, register by e-mail but be happy with me. I will select probably in the summer, an adapter, then we can make happy by bulk order.
With the friendliest, Philip
Antwort von SammyGray:

Hmm synonymous'll wait a bit ...
The M2 tells me at the moment .. to s.meisten
In a few days of the SG35Pro to be released ..
'm curious about what comes out.
The price is very nice indeed synonymous (300-400 pounds) and the people come out of the settlement GB is still a piece of her synonymous better.
A bulk order would be ideal.
Lg Sammy
Antwort von SammyGray:

The SGPro is now out there ...
I just asked for the price:
1x SGpro unit with achromatic close up lens, lens mount plate 1 choice of users, 15mm rods support system with sliding: £ 400
Shipping overseas £ 40
Subtotal: £ 440
4% paypal charges: £ 17.60
Total: £ 457.60
Lens Mounts available:
Canon FD
Canon EOS / EF
Leica R
Leica M39 Screwmount
Minolta MD
Olympus OM
Pentax K
PL mount (yet to be finalized)
Extra mounts are £ 60 each.
More information to follow:)
Lg Sammy
Antwort von SammyGray:

... and next you go:
It is of course HD-Ready!
Images: Picture 1Picture 2 Picture 3Picture 4 Videos:
Lg Sammy
Antwort von PowerMac:

M2 looks better ...
Antwort von mitchi:

I find synonymous! But costing more than twice!
1299 $ + shipping + Inch + vat ...
expected to be around 1500 euros will be ..
The SG-Pro costs only: EUR 659.18 (incl) evt Inch + shipping + VAT!
Have ordered a lot from GB ..
Inch strangely never paid, etc.?? ^ ^
Will probably because of the cost to buy a SG-Pro ..
but would still wait a few tests.
The guy is very nice .. there would certainly be synonymous with a group discount for purchase inside.
LG Sammy
Antwort von SammyGray:

Was not logged in!
Antwort von SammyGray:

I've opted for the SG Pro ..
As siehts ner with bulk order from?
LG Sammy
Antwort von camworks:

in intra-EU traffic is no duty more.
Antwort von curtis:
I've opted for the SG Pro ..
As siehts ner with bulk order from?
LG Sammy The way I see it, cinemek currently taking any orders.
Antwort von SammyGray:

I am currently in email contact with him ..
It is available ... and offers even better results in the edges (all look hot) than on the videos is (was a prototype).
Lg Sammy
Antwort von SammyGray:

another video:
Antwort von hhmb:

Could someone recommend Indie35?
The fact looks very good. I would buy myself, but I'm not sure yet ...
Antwort von videojoe:

Well, still not resolved ... Which only the best 35mm adapter is of the completely wrong time apart overpriced?
Is there not somewhere a formal test between all the adapters?
The issue for me is currently not explosive, but in the next two - three months I wanted to put me even one.
Which adapter for Best Picture and delivers the highest resolution?
Intensity or not, to me anyway, he would come only with costly and lit productions for use as personal interests me only the image quality. The entire sample clips with Schrottobjektiven of consumers have been included to assess the quality not the case. Not to mention the compression and the low Resolutionganz.
Antwort von videojoe:

I do not know whether Redrock has now been working on it, but I have time with the 1st Generation of M2 and can only be rotated s.raten.
The achromatic lens is not coated. If you now has a light source in the Picture This starts itself again on the lens and then put buzzing around in the Picture. Practicals and falling back to flat. For these quirks the device is too expensive. Furthermore, the s.den at Weitwinkeln sau blurred edges. It starts at s.35mm at focal lengths. The measure can Follow Focus has the game and thus is not usable, because you do not see any train and.
You have no battery indicator on the TV screen, and if this turns slower then you can not see it in the viewfinder, the display monitors or small field and only later to be angry.
The adapter absorbs quite a lot of light and if you only have a small kit. 3x800 watts, for example, for indoor or twice 575 watts. Wirds itself with an aperture of 1.2 (camera shutter open anyway) already in short supply.
The picture is upside down, etc.
I can only recommend to rent a P & S adapter and a set of primes. The sharpness measure clean and happy about professional work.
Antwort von Carl Bernhard:

I got the m2 and it would not even buy. das ding is wobbly and difficult to master. Of the optical once owned factors quite apart ...
Antwort von logan_090:

how are we to measure the sharpness professionally?
if the m2 is so schrottig, which can be taken then?
for our project, we will be able to accommodate very sporadic and spontaneous. the loan of the 12 months' expensive adapters therefore falls flat.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
how are we to measure the sharpness professionally? If with "Focus" is meant removal of the motif: With a good old tape measure, for example.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Manfrido:

Hello dear people, I have bought Arriflex s16. It was quite expensive naja exact bedtrag I will not say. But my dream is coming true. I am now very zufrienden with the value of play.