Frage von peter_im:
Dear Formusmitglieder,
I have times a question!
And although I've been thinking a 35mm adapter and a lens for my 50mm to Holler HF100. Can I give as a recommendation of purchase and why exactly this.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von deti:

You rather buy a Canon EOS550D with a 50mm Optics - because you get a whole better off and you were like a real camera synonymous for the purpose (you will not lose any Aperture through the adapter, do not need a rig to the adapter to connect with the Camera and Aperture and can set the shutter speed manual). The HF100 is a great video camera when you use it as such.
Antwort von peter_im:

Hey thanks for the quick Antword, but I wanted to use the camera even when shooting video.
I need the 35mm adapter, but for the depth of field.
Antwort von deti:
Hey thanks for the quick Antword, but I wanted to use the camera even when shooting video.
I need the 35mm adapter, but for the depth of field. Then you probably stuff relating to 35mm adapter vs.. VDSLRs misunderstood. Too bad.