Frage von Ben Gore:
I have an HD camcorder of times I've Sonyand schlaugemacht about 35mm adapter. The first results of which I have found, have made me cut down a great price. Then I thought that maybe something like that is like tripods and a company like Sun Bilora Distributes a significantly cheaper adapter. Unfortunately, it is not so, so I would like to ask whether there is a 'cheap' 35mm adapter, or is there an adapter ring that fits the s.den camcorder and takes other s.der Page DSLR Lenses (and whether anything ) brings ...
Would be nice if someone could help ...
Best wishes!
Antwort von Mink:

Perhaps you help das. ...
High enough not sure s.die (eg) Letus models ran poorly but he should not be synonymous.
Antwort von Ben Gore:

Thanks for the quick reply!
This looks synonymous price passable!
Gibts them n German Dealers? Ebay is nothing ... Unfortunately ...
and still ne to ask: what does mount type with fd ->?
Thank you!
Antwort von Mink:

FD Mount Nikon Mount, or is the chase, I believe are available.
These are different lens thread - (clutch) Species
Are you taking the FD FD Mount Lenses you need ... What do you carry Nikon .....
Here, for example, a Canon FD Lens: Canon FD 50mm-1-8-3809_W0QQitemZ330381038088QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDE_Elektronik_Computer_Foto_Camcorder_Objektive_PM? Hash = # item4cec3e9208 ht_3856wt_1167
.... I sell that is not only an example ....
Antwort von Mink:

You should research before the purchase necessarily with the difficulties in dealing Adapterfilmerei .... there are a few ....
And with the $ 100 for the adapter is not enough .... You only need 2-3 Lenses synonymous .... and perhaps even more accessories ...
Antwort von Ben Gore:

So because of the objective, it is no problem. my uncle has a few older Canon SLR cameras and so I'd already come to it. I would probably buy n rod, which costs more synonymous to 100euro ... because there are n traders, the adapter sells in Germany - have bad experiences with the orders abroad ...
Antwort von domain:

I think that one can not ignore that 35 mm adapter actually of the house on crutches for much were willing narrow videographers out.
Of course, it gave many years of development and with specific intent achromatic lenses ultimately quite nice results.
But even in principle only really special macro lenses for the dubious s.sich already filming a secondary TV screen would have been suitable.
But with the appearance of the VDSLRS is all but become ridiculous. The adapter-Manufacturer must in any event, once focused strongly on new business and the previous owners of such emergency arrangements can only try to barter away all the stuff as quickly as possible s.Unwissende.
Antwort von Ben Gore:

This helps me now not next, but well to listen to another opinion ...
Have unfortunately not the money to me ne video semi-pro DSLR NEN or camcorder to buy and I must therefore look for other alternatives.
Antwort von Mink:

@ Domain
What makes you so angry?
Your statements fall flat so ...
I mean if you want rumversuchen like you can grow such a part for $ 100 after all. Is not the case that someone asks what your camcorder purchase, he should because he has inherited to Hollywood and wants to ¬ 6,000.
When Lenses are already available, the better.
For larger projects adapter new purchase, I would judge by the way synonymous different ... synonymous direction DSLR ....
Antwort von Maze:
I think that one can not ignore that 35 mm adapter actually of the house on crutches for much were willing narrow videographers out.
Of course, it gave many years of development and with specific intent achromatic lenses ultimately quite nice results.
But even in principle only really special macro lenses for the dubious s.sich already filming a secondary TV screen would have been suitable.
But with the appearance of the VDSLRS is all but become ridiculous. The adapter-Manufacturer must in any event, once focused strongly on new business and the previous owners of such emergency arrangements can only try to barter away all the stuff as quickly as possible s.Unwissende. Haha ...
Antwort von Ben Gore:

So if I had money in the masses, it would be synonymous with me a VDSLR or HDR-AX 2000 ... But because it is not the case with me, I must try around well and so $ 100 is indeed a lot of coal, but better than new VDSLR or similar ...
I will ask your local electronic salesperson my confidence, if he can get me the thing ... maybe I'll be there some way to the customs fees around ...
ps: the test videos on youtube and on the website are qualitatively quite well by the way and anyway because I only use on dvd movies (ie, sd), I think I would have no quality problems with the adapter ...
Antwort von Mink:

Another thing ..
@ Ben
The picture is upside down.
The offer on the page, although to a Fliphack ... But for this you have to send in your camera.
Antwort von emu:

Haha ... I can not see quite the joke: he has, in my opinion, right, synonymous if the VDSLR's are certainly still be improved (after all devices are the first generation, when one considers the sober). But above all, Canon's very go-getting in the segment and before the next Photokina, we'll see whether and what is s.Neuerungen come in the area.
Now even invest adapter in a 35 mm (ok, for $ 100 you can probably not do much wrong, but the most renowned representatives are in the range normally only with the price a VDSLR Body's), I consider synonymous not particularly useful and whether the part for $ 100 really is good enough, I venture to doubt still synonymous - at least in Comparison with a direct VDSLR.
Yet it's now time, even with representatives of the most expensive of its kind some disadvantages, which can not be argued away: that begins with the loss of light s.and may hear in the upside-down images of the alignment and adjustment problems, not to mention. The P + S adapter fulfilled its true purpose, but was just too expensive.
So I would agree with domain: the times of the 35mm adapter should be counted, the latest when the handling of the VDSLR's will be trimmed even better on video and one of the current disadvantages (moire, clip length limited rolling, shutter problems, etc.) in the grip gets.
Antwort von Maze:

Haha ...
I can not see quite the joke: he has, in my opinion, right, synonymous if the VDSLR's are certainly still be improved (after all devices are the first generation, when one considers the sober). But above all, Canon's very go-getting in the segment and before the next Photokina, we'll see whether and what is s.Neuerungen come in the area.
Now even invest adapter in a 35 mm (ok, for $ 100 you can probably not do much wrong, but the most renowned representatives are in the range normally only with the price a VDSLR Body's), I consider synonymous not particularly useful and whether the part for $ 100 really is good enough, I venture to doubt still synonymous - at least in Comparison with a direct VDSLR.
Yet it's now time, even with representatives of the most expensive of its kind some disadvantages, which can not be argued away: that begins with the loss of light s.and may hear in the upside-down images of the alignment and adjustment problems, not to mention. The P + S adapter fulfilled its true purpose, but was just too expensive.
So I would agree with domain: the times of the 35mm adapter should be counted, the latest when the handling of the VDSLR's will be trimmed even better on video and one of the current disadvantages (moire, clip length limited rolling, shutter problems, etc.) in the grip gets. The disadvantages of VDSLRs were already listed here often enough and have confirmed to me synonymous. The
only advantage of DSLRs is the Lowlightfähigkeit, while a half Aperture Optics + Letus adapter swallows. We have a direct comparison with March, made a HVX200 + Letus and a borrowed Canon 5D. Because I myself have been thinking to buy a 5D as a backup.
It is always a question of how important a data rate Abtastverhalten and the other benefits of a camcorder are. The 5D is certainly still a good solution for many.
Antwort von Ben Gore:

Did not really kick Avalanche ... :-D
Picture aufm head but no problem thanks to a magnet is the tricks I found on youtube. Otherwise, I can put my monitor upside down ...
has vdslr's: I have unfortunately not the amber room in the basement and was written for the maze only beneficial, you can leave the room Oh, yes ...
and as I wait with the film would not until the X-th generation comes out of vdslr's, which will be still too expensive, I'll probably fall back on such an adapter must ..
what this loss of quality and so is next on the adapter is actually of all nt extremely amateur videos on youtube equalized, since the building as nearly as beautiful as that of a 80s b-movies is ... clear, which is subsequently not look like the latest productions in hollywood, but I will synonymous net ...
just wanted to know if there is something like that, where there are something like (in Germany) and in what frame rate for the entire NEM moves!