So I looked at the 3D displays last year at the SYSTEMS and I must say, not bad. The Philips panel is really just a modified plasma (or LCD?) With a "filter layer" for 8 sweet spot positions. The result is startling. The objects, animations are usually measured about 1m in front of the imaging plane. The stand supervisor told me that images would lead ahead of the plane but over a longer time to headache, because the brain is überanspucht. Better so he told me is the 3D display behind the picture plane, since it comes very close to a natural look, whereupon he showed me a display with Eyetrackingfunktion, recorded on which a Tretballspiel (with 2 staggered DV - was seen camcorders). Anyone who wants to get a sense only needs with a shoe box without a bottom view go to the football field, and thus the match. Something like that perceive what is happening on the diplay is.
PS: The next World Cup in 3D, each spectator in the stadium with Schuschachtel over his face. Is sure to look funny.