Frage von ZapT:
I have a trip of several tapes and a part is 4:3 to 16:9 rest. How can I do in Vegas or other freeware the 4:3 video to 16:9 prune without quality loss and distortion.
I habs with distortion or with Quälitätsverlust managed, is unfortunately not as I would like ...
I've already numerous guides with Premiere and AVISynth found, but I do not have a premiere ^ ^ ....
Thank you
Antwort von Marco:

Without loss of quality that is impossible. You lose in this process inevitably 144 lines of vertical resolution, the same tool with which it is done.
Antwort von ZapT:

because I've found 16:9 grade trim, the only problem is when the image moves are so grainy strokes until the building is quiet again. and this I will at least weghaben.
Antwort von Marco:

Do you have project settings in one of the two Deinterlace Methods activated? If not (ie if the value there to "None" is), then choose either "blend" or "Interpolate" from.
Antwort von ZapT:

Super thanks, now works perfectly: D
2 very thin black bars left and right, but aufjedenfall better than the pixel strokes: D
thank you very much