Frage von serpenteye:![](
Hi All,
during my recent short films-Project I wanted to finally try experimenting with Surroud 5.1. But somehow I do not get it to individual mono or stereo tracks assigned to the 4 surround channels.
Is that even possible with Premiere CS3? Or can I import only 5.1-ready tracks?
Vegas is the case as far as I know not create a problem: 5.1 track to import a sound file and align using Pan in the surround image.
I hope someone can help me.
Antwort von Toni Tester:
You need the current project to export the audio file as a *. wav file.
This in turn is in Adobe Audition for example, as 6 separate mono files generate.
In CS3 you import them into a new sequence then monofilament.
So I did it always with my DV tapes, which was issued only steroid.
How is importen with AVCHD, I do not know - but the question has been synonymous posted here.