Newsmeldung von slashCAM:50 euro zombie film won Cannes of thomas - 26 May 2009 13:24:00 British director Marc Price has with his zombie movie "Colin", who with a budget of only 50 euros was rotated sensation. Japanese and major American distributors were in the show and some of them already in the rights negotiation.
The film was entirely in 18 months with the help of friends (and the help along with their equipment) and were recruited via Facebook zombie actors rotated, and reverses the usual perspective of zombie movies to radically: is told from the perspective of a zombie, what the Film sides of the zombie film has earned much praise fans.
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This is news to report with pictures and link to the pages slashCAM Magazine
Antwort von Spreeni:

Not bad for a no-Butget production. But the 50 euro already arouse curiosity about what had to be used the most?
Antwort von jogol:

This is ne Milchmädchenrechnung. No one collects salary, no money for the machines, camera, lighting, materials, energy, no salaries, no catering, no reimbursement of travel expenses, no hotel costs, no costs for mask and the material you need, no calculator, and software costs, no insurance! Perfect self-exploitation. Of course, all synonymous of costs and must be paid to anyone, keep everyone pays their own costs Directions, accommodation and meals. But a bunch of zombies "clothe" should not be too cheap. Contractually will probably be regulated as any benefits are paid s.alle parties, so money only on success. They could have just as easily say the movie had absolutely nothing cost. The 50 ¬ sound simple spectacular.
Antwort von dermessie:

@ jogol
I'm .... do you think just because the think that it's cool here indicate a low-budget, is the so hochgepushed!
Simply ridiculous .... and if that would be expressed in real numbers and then the other hand, considers the quality, it is relativized again!
Antwort von Chezus:

Utter nonsense in my opinion.
What are 50 euro? Nothing! Since the electricity will cost more to recharge the batteries for the cam!
Even if they have been assigned all the equipment will cost the noble donor synonymous Money.
As described above: Each item will cost money, from finished.
Themselves to blame. Then they have to stop all the taxed more when the film enters much profit if they put s.Ausgaben nothing about it
Antwort von comix:

The question is always: If a film as well worth seeing, and he deserves the hype, if it would mean the "actors played a part x", "cost only ¬ 100", "only of students was created"?
For most: No..
And what I've seen of the film: Just no.
Without this headline would it be a mediocre low-budget film, synonymous like everyone else.
Antwort von Axel:

Comic gang ye. Then one boasts of having made a film to lukewarm, then harvest officially, as it only ever goes, applause, and she turns up her nose, as if for the sake of your productions, blocked highways and broken dams. Woody Allen has aptly characterized the times. "I despise you!" - "Why?" - "Because you are with me like."
The German inferiority complex, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Antwort von Chezus:

Ernst Axel times in the film would not have won Cannes when it would have cost 300 million euros.
Sowas nervt. Where did the 50 euro?
Idiocy in my opinion!
Antwort von comix:
Comic gang ye. Then one boasts of having made a film to lukewarm, then harvest officially, as it only ever goes, applause, and she turns up her nose, as if for the sake of your productions, blocked highways and broken dams. Woody Allen has aptly characterized the times. "I despise you!" - "Why?" - "Because you are with me like."
The German inferiority complex, a self-fulfilling prophecy. The problem is: The thing is not good.
It is in the conversation, because was cheap, and has not convinced by quality.
By the way, change yourself a little time in the sound. Your workout you can stick your joy. Nobody wants to have amateur psychiatrist.
Antwort von bgk:
But the 50 euro already arouse curiosity about what had to be used the most? For the drinks at the premiere party? ;-) * SCNR *
Antwort von dermessie:
But the 50 euro already arouse curiosity about what had to be used the most?
For the drinks at the premiere party? ;-) * SCNR * Yes, and there had already reached the 50 Euro net: D
Antwort von bgk:
Yes, and there had already reached the 50 Euro net: D Well, is indeed a low-budget production ... * gggg *
Antwort von Axel:
Ernst Axel times in the film would not have won Cannes when it would have cost 300 million euros. Maybe, but he has surely not. Even if it cost 3000 ¬, which is still low. Maybe he is really very bad, but on the basis of the trailer, I can judge, at least not yet. Some appear plagiarized. But look at once the trailer of
Transformers 2 - the revenge s.and tell me what JJ Abrams (; "Cloverfield" probably) will think. This Transformer movie in Cannes itself determined it would not praise reap, if Michael Bay could prove that he had rotated him for 30 ® with an Aiptek.
The problem is: The thing is not good.
It is in the conversation, because was cheap, and has not convinced by quality. May be yes. You seem a little more view of it. Surely you are right that it is stupid to carry all the costs of production as a selling point to the field, because that is always a lie.
Where have you seen these clips, then, have shown you that the movie is the crackers at the buffet is not worth it?
Antwort von Johannes:

Maybe it's because, at such times not at the higher production costs, or who has a superstar in his film but simply views the content.
And I know there is no film from the perspective of the zombies has been rotated?
I mean it's not always the picture quality makes a good movie. It's really the content of it interesting.
And it's much more exciting to watch what these people with 50 euros and made in their spare time. Especially since hintersteckt synonymous sowas make a lot of work with no budget. All the actors ranzubekommen for technology and and And.
Antwort von Chezus:

Transformers 2 may be overloaded, the technology is not at much really gets to face and and And.
Just popcorn movies. I look at it to me;)
Something like The Blair Witch Project seems to me simply not realistic. If someone had told me that the film would have cost 5000 euros (; or dollars), I would have believed it if possible.
Hand-held camera, students, internet propaganda ... good thing!
But even Blair Witch, the ONLY play in the woods and was advertised on the Web has cost 60,000 euros. These were mainly the cams and the trips paid for location.
Will probably be here in the Guinness Book as Umsatzrentabelster to go through to film? If so, if it were well bescheisserei ne;)
Antwort von jogol:

Bringing the idea in their collective skills and resources and virtually "without money to produce" something that has so thoroughly that sexy. If, however, is in the private sector to the normal business model, ie no fixed salaries, wages, collective agreements more, you and your creative save time jobs already in restaurants or as taxi drivers. I have a few friends got up to his ears in labor-intensive projects, but curiously still never out of their financial predicament
. out As a musician in the U.S. could be used to play in clubs and at least had to drink "free." Gage, it was in those rare instances when the owner was a Philantroph. Now must pay for all the bands can occur anywhere. A tendency for the We will create more and more synonymous to bear.
Antwort von masi22:

good pr-trick: the budget of 50 euro mentioned. alone the youtube-film has been cut in the 300 euro cost. The good man has forgotten the self-exploitation of himself and his friends. And it looks s.schluss already different from the 50 euro ..... I suppose you mean the drinks cost of the first day of shooting ....
Antwort von dermessie:
good pr-trick: the budget of 50 euro mentioned. alone the youtube-film has been cut in the 300 euro cost. The good man has forgotten the self-exploitation of himself and his friends. And it looks s.schluss already different from the 50 euro ..... I suppose you mean the drinks cost of the first day of shooting .... * gääähn Echoooooo
Antwort von shodushitanaka:
"Cast-wise we had more than 100 people.We just spent £ 45 on a crowbar, video tapes and tea for the crew."
"We do not have any money, so bring your own equipment" Of
Antwort von derpianoman:
.. As a musician in the U.S. could be used to play in clubs and at least had to drink "free." Gage, it was in those rare instances when the owner was a Philantroph. Now must pay for all the bands can occur anywhere. A tendency which is synonymous help us create more and more. Jenau! I have been working since 1995 as against an ... And take long commute in Purchase.
But from duos and bands from duos were then soloists,
not a good development for the music. But - what can you do??
Antwort von dermessie:

But the question is, where we ultimately want to go. I myself come from the "Generation Internship" and knows what it means to work for nen Ninnemann.
At the moment I am helping colleagues with their projects synonymous, synonymous with value.
But once in all honesty, these films wants to ninth in the long run! Which only make the business of the PROs and break the geht's halt without dragging its feet. The fact that you have to be synonymous lead times in mind.
If everyone works less than their value's has no meaning anyway .... or do we want that in future only s.Start amateur films than feature films go??
Antwort von derpianoman:

Ultimately, it is about the quality:
One has nothing to start, but if "it has" then on it
it is already eighth on it, that equals the established colleagues
will be paid. To that extent, the market regulates itself but, is it?
Honestly, when I sometimes 1995 for 100 marks for a whole evening
Music has been synonymous was probably not much more value :-)
To stay with the examples: the 50-euro entry-Gag is
no film culture to ruin, as if the director requests now
gets (; and that he is indeed hope) he will not even say that
So give him his 50 euro budget ...
So what's the problem?
It must be that "I may with you" into a "you would turn around with us,"
And that can only happen through quality demonstrated!
Antwort von dermessie:

It's much more here and share a wrong "signal". Here we give some "ignorant" or "naive", that can be realized in principle, always good movies / clips with little budget and one no longer perceives to calculate a thing.
Here I had a question of getting a mate ...
To turn for 500 euros nen Image Film locations with 5-7 + interviews. Of course, with average CO and yet ..... because I think what is that please?
Antwort von domain:

Have I just seen the trailer. Well servas.
Confirms my theory that a third world war is overdue, or held at least a decent Ebola pandemic or 100% of the predictions of Nostradamus may arrive at the same time
Antwort von JonasB:
alone the youtube-film has been cut in the 300 euro cost. What should s.diesem cutting costs 300 euros please?
Talkshow iwie adapts them just to Slashcam. Here lunger all the techies who have no more than knowledge. Plays a major project to tackle, which dares to None ... xD Sorry if I should generalize ... the guys who made the film have actually advertised with 50 euros, and then Ugh ... but I still think not even. .. this PR campaign is safe from an interview ...
"What was the cost of production?" - "Oh, everyone has brought what he had grad da ^ ^ of a camera, the other had little light of Papa ... vlt ham 50 euros invested ..." Clearly then, every journalist that spins so that all the time ... or click to read the article ...
I do not synonymous believe that a jury in Cannes so ner of $ 50 statement dazzle "can. I am sure that the film has some interesting facts ... s.sich synonymous if the trailer does not convince me, is synonymous not in my line;)
I hope that next ... this is how many film fans meet and then work out of love for the film s.nem Project ...(; WITHOUT A THOUGHT OF PROFITS)
Sch because negative!
So has practiced each of the criticism, which shows better of you!
Antwort von jogol:

So has practiced each of the criticism, which shows better of you! otherwise the mouth with soap is washed out or what?
Antwort von domain:

How about with a realistic cell phone video from the school, where a fat boy is just really really bullied him and then lying s.Boden the new front teeth pretty hard with football boots are worn. Blood coatings can be polished up a bit with color.
Antwort von WideScreen:

So if I HDCAM with my suitcase and my light and my tripod and my food of doing at home nen film, is then synonymous ne 0 Euro production? I think not. Unless I had been given my entire equipment. Pros the Calculator for the cut and the software and the DSL line for uploading and and And. ...
So ne of contention because 50 euros is still ne Milchmädchenrechnung.
But! I have seen films that were more expensive and worse. * laughs *
Antwort von domain:

What are you really excites constantly on the ¬ 50 -?
Each stop has (his own things, including purchases) paid for itself and not be invited, which was probably a matter of honor.
If one starts, of course, the elapsed time, the imputed interest and depreciation on the equipment and the total amount s.gemeinsam plastered food and stimulants (; incl. Tobacco and alcohol rate) to ensure would come to a different account.
But what?
According to the typical post-cure and home movies including Sissy and Hans Moser shooting in a world that interprets the "Film Culture" is specifically a part of our way to a new generation of young men and increasingly violent society without empathy.
You could say what they previously could not really experience it can at least live out their fantasies.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So once all comments synonymous with honor, and the message "50 euro cost '
But I think COMIX brought it to the point.
The $ 50 cost "are unique and can only look better PR to a bad product!
No man can for only 50 euros a film shoot, not even Jörg ;-) (; Jörg Sorry but even more you put) in your movies
It's fine to say something and it can indeed synonymous come close to reality, but as a businessman you must already be honest ......
And yes there were but few have as honestly as I can mention the net cost, Softwear, Equitment and induction time, etc. must reckon with.
Just as an example - I often say and really sau often with silicone milk, and Make Up (; Film Blood synonymous but not so often) around and I can even with the one license and good rates because more than 50 euros needed.
I'm somewhere nen snippet of our first attempts to fly with silicone foam masks around - nen the whole is "just times out and shoot action was spontaneous - and mask alone took 4 hours - in nem ca cost of 15Euro (material consumption; ! consumption!) say yes we not only buys milk and 120 ml of silicone 20 x 20 cm foam and half-nen lipstick .....
Well what I'm getting
Sure some are right here, folks, you can provide with little use of good money or good quality, ....
It should be synonymous to the other indie filmmakers honest with it and be playing with open cards.
And then nothing can be purely to have cost 50 euros!
We turn first little grad nen Project - QUASI free aka Non budget - but only the plates and Color Regips have cost almost 400 euros - the wood and the plaster I had in the barn are .... This ne slacks, a sweater and the cheapest Chuk Clone nem shoe discounter in which we found again to have cost 60 euros.
Well, if you will listen, someone has had only cost 50 euros and could even run on such a festival, well .... then I probably need to cut our project is not done.
Is that the message which we will convey to the hype?
So I am the Meihnung, you have to remain fair to the community.
And yes because the Youtube trailer has already cost the 6 times ;-)
Alla this should be only my little note to the thread.
B. DeKid
PS: shit Sparfuchs dreamer society - makes everything Kaputt ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Rate .... the entire amount s.gemeinsam plastered food and (stimulants, incl. tobacco and alcohol) to ,..... LoL - You forgot the
drugs, or will you say the sollche of people are inherently wide? And can be classified sollche think?
Reality check - please!
Antwort von domain:

Well idiot, the food taster in Cannes, so do not be precisely synonymous, as has already put behind it is still something special.
In any case, but hopefully not the usual mindless fighting and death-horror scenario of our inexperienced amateurs.
If, then perhaps a übersteigernde analytically fuck irony, sarcasm, so to that unspeakable Genre
Antwort von jogol:
If, then perhaps a übersteigernde analytically fuck irony, sarcasm, so to that unspeakable Genre Optimist.
Antwort von derpianoman:
It's much more here and share a wrong "signal". Here we give some "ignorant" or "naive", that can be realized in principle, always good movies / clips with little budget and one no longer perceives to calculate a thing.
Here I had a question of getting a mate ...
To turn for 500 euros nen Image Film locations with 5-7 + interviews. Of course, with average CO and yet ..... because I think what is that please? Yes, we must on the "path" does not get impatient!
Stick around! Tell him he should find someone who does this. :-)
After all, there is nothing that is not someone a bit cheaper
... and could make a little worse.
In the long run, quality traversed.
And, should your "Mitberber" effectively with the budget of a great
Hinbekommen film, then the next time he will have more synonymous
want and / or need! (; Give notice when you tell him what
You get to a production ... ,-))))
So keep cool!
PS Was this a plea for the market economy?
Must I now choose the FDP? * lol *
Antwort von derpianoman:
alone the youtube-film has been cut in the 300 euro cost.
What should s.diesem cutting costs 300 euros please?
Talkshow iwie adapts them just to Slashcam. Here lunger all the techies who have no more than knowledge. Plays a major project to tackle, which dares to None ... xD Sorry if I should generalize ... the guys who made the film have actually advertised with 50 euros, and then Ugh ... but I still think not even. .. this PR campaign is safe from an interview ...
"What was the cost of production?" - "Oh, everyone has brought what he had grad da ^ ^ of a camera, the other had little light of Papa ... vlt ham 50 euros invested ..."
Clearly then, every journalist that spins so that all the time ... or click to read the article ...
I do not synonymous believe that a jury in Cannes so ner of $ 50 statement dazzle "can. I am sure that the film has some interesting facts ... s.sich synonymous if the trailer does not convince me, is synonymous not in my line;)
I hope that next ... this is how many film fans meet and then work out of love for the film s.nem Project ...(; WITHOUT A THOUGHT OF PROFITS)
Sch because negative!
So has practiced each of the criticism, which shows better of you!
Jonas Hi Jonas,
Thank you for your contribution, you will probably not much sympathy here inbringen!
If we were a gang of girls would probably be described as the "mare viciousness."
Ok, I just let 'down your pants ": The here:
I've broken absolutely free ... but I was then asked
filming another event (: what the year before someone "vergeigt") had
... And then I said what I want to have it. :-)))
Antwort von domain:

I've broken absolutely free ...
Distributed free of charge?
So you have to pay even one jump pain that you are only 30 seconds looks like this ...
Oh God, how far we have never been dropped or gone up that you rehearse with the purchase of such expensive equipment, a cheap washing machine five times, and especially heart still synonymous own needs.
Antwort von

I think that's what the class has done since.
The idea is not that good but the good old Jackson is synonymous with bathroom nem button begun.
The trailer promises a typical low-budget entertainment that is not bad! You must provide times ne performance.
Antwort von derpianoman:

I've broken absolutely free ...
Distributed free of charge?
So you have to pay even one jump pain that you are only 30 seconds looks like this ...
Oh God, how far we have never been dropped or gone up that one with such an expensive equipment, the purchase of a cheap washing machine five times must rehearse. 1. I have (no expensive equipment, see signature + ... lächel!)
2. About what are you appeal? There are shown only the cover?
Because it seems to open up to you not of itself:
That is no way to Hollywood, but a great hobby
what of the men with high praise (; such as a aluminum foil-Oskar
(and here please smile again! - intent) was.
AND: the quality was enough that I was entrusted to a Project for coal, which I have completed satisfactory.
I have fun & You & Rejoice s.meine hobbies are a killjoy!
Liebe Grüße!
PS OK, point for you, the link was wrong!
He should just go straight to DVD covers.
If (; and ensure you're obviously far too great & cool) You, the
"Function" wanted to understand the other videos there,
You'd have to first of all the Web
There appears to say "VIDEO" clearly marked on a HOBBY.
Antwort von ksr:

Talkshow iwie adapts them just to Slashcam. Here lunger all the techies who have no more than knowledge. Plays a major project to tackle, which dares to None ... xD Sorry if I should generalize ... the guys who made the film have actually advertised with 50 euros, and then Ugh ... but I still think not even. .. this PR campaign is safe from an interview ...
"What was the cost of production?" - "Oh, everyone has brought what he had grad da ^ ^ of a camera, the other had little light of Papa ... vlt ham 50 euros invested ..."
Clearly then, every journalist that spins so that all the time ... or click to read the article ...
I do not synonymous believe that a jury in Cannes so ner of $ 50 statement dazzle "can. I am sure that the film has some interesting facts ... s.sich synonymous if the trailer does not convince me, is synonymous not in my line;)
I hope that next ... this is how many film fans meet and then work out of love for the film s.nem Project ...(; WITHOUT A THOUGHT OF PROFITS)
Sch because negative!
So has practiced each of the criticism, which shows better of you!
Jonas Thank you. Can you also agree to (in each point only; also wish to generalize without!). That must be said, because some contributions to the discussion in this thread just go by s.Thema (; so true they may) be in other cases.
Antwort von

Talkshow iwie adapts them just to Slashcam. Here lunger all the techies who have no more than knowledge. Plays a major project to tackle, which dares to None ... xD Sorry if I should generalize ... the guys who made the film have actually advertised with 50 euros, and then Ugh ... but I still think not even. .. this PR campaign is safe from an interview ...
"What was the cost of production?" - "Oh, everyone has brought what he had grad da ^ ^ of a camera, the other had little light of Papa ... vlt ham 50 euros invested ..."
Clearly then, every journalist that spins so that all the time ... or click to read the article ...
I do not synonymous believe that a jury in Cannes so ner of $ 50 statement dazzle "can. I am sure that the film has some interesting facts ... s.sich synonymous if the trailer does not convince me, is synonymous not in my line;)
I hope that next ... this is how many film fans meet and then work out of love for the film s.nem Project ...(; WITHOUT A THOUGHT OF PROFITS)
Sch because negative!
So has practiced each of the criticism, which shows better of you!
Thank you. Can you also agree to (in each point only; also wish to generalize without!). That must be said, because some contributions to the discussion in this thread just go by s.Thema (; so true they may) be in other cases. Especially because I myself just so nen Project wants to lift off the ground I find this comment good.
Had I known how much one needs to plan, make phone calls, running around, people looking to play and help with the technology, I'd be next to the Short Film turn left. But if you then s.Set, and may simply have a lot of fun with ner group pursuing the same goal. Then all the stress is gone. I think exactly are the "Colin" people on it have been synonymous.
And you need not get upset that he has the film "made free". He has not so much bombast as nen Tranformers 2 but he certainly has a lot of heart and soul.
Antwort von derpianoman:

I'm already looking forward to with all my technical and cinematic limitations s.7.6. strike back with HEART "!
So bescheid tell me if this forum will be locked for amateurs = LOVERS! :-)
Antwort von handiro:
Have I just seen the trailer. Well servas.
Confirms my theory that a third world war is overdue, or held at least a decent Ebola pandemic or 100% of the predictions of Nostradamus may arrive at the same time :-)
the problem Camorra / Naples times I've heard it said nen italian "Vesuvio Pensaci tu"
5 yards of ash over it and start the front ....
Antwort von Kino:

Bescheid ... So tell me if this forum will be locked for amateurs = LOVERS! :-) Hello Klaus,
Please do not! I can still remember s.eine night, when Hussein's henchmen slashcam the server crippled (; or was annoyed to understand the Mark), a war Rapporteur EB-professional user of review to review severe physical disabilities from Afghanistan, Nepal and Tibet to the manifestation of his professionalism brought with escalating insults uttered against "Hobbyfilmern" and I heard after the change in your signature.
Close out all here, not with the film to generate a living - I am thinking it would be quite familiar and quiet. However, I am synonymous happy if I (here, if it's just synonymous with mere eavesdropping) can improve through contributions coming from the pens of those who with film / video productions a day to get their butter on bread.
Love Greetings
+ + +
Antwort von Backslash:

It already does that hurt to read such a powerful
headline. The makers of "Colin," deduct as a whole number left.
The effect of advertising for them is immense. Cannes is not a suburban puppet theater.
They want to have to make some of the profit here so frowned upon.
I do not have to start again on what has primarily cost of the strips, but some of irgent must indeed all parties, and here I mean only the main characters have lived for 18 months! And to start a new project, I will not speak at all ...
If you want to live like this, one must think and act entrepreneurially.
I'm new distribution channels and always open to ideas, but this is not one of them.
The only thing that is hanging here, is independent of the film, the genre of quality.
Antwort von shipoffools:

... when you consider how many have with potato chips for 50 euros you can eat. --
That would have been much better and more appetizing ...
Antwort von WideScreen:

Well, Jonah may probably not have any friends here make it, but I see the synonymous not so different ....
We have "made earlier" synonymous shorts, but have cost far more than $ 50. The halt came of sponsorship money. I think that all this is a belated April Fool's joke to those who simply find somewhere in the network a delay. You will hear of nothing more.
Antwort von Axel:

An increase in what some anger here, just because one has claimed an amateur movies almost "black" regimes!
The accusation of "dumping" I can well understand. The video industry is of low-zombies actually flooded. I really synonymous swells the comb, although I did not put in this competitive situation. I'm still affected. It is everywhere the same. I wonder if all these upright and righteous, who are rebelling here to buy music, movies and software is always installed at the sink, or order their master company. If so, you are really honest and hides statistically unlikely.
Or you see it only when threatened
yourselves irgendso dumping-parasite out of business?
Who has an idea, it must Durchboxen themselves with whatever means forever. This is obvious in the U.S., though there are fewer boards in front of the minds than ours. In Germany there is only one chance for originality against the eligibility of Teersumpf mentality and kleinkarierter G'schaftlhuberei: No-and Low-Budget.
Antwort von domain:

I have fun & You & Rejoice s.meine hobbies are a killjoy!
Have I indeed synonymous, and yet nothing really good comes out of it, see:
Antwort von derpianoman:
... Or you see it only if you endanger yourself irgendso dumping-parasite out of business? ... How should this work?
The competition can do with dumping prices in our market segment, "known", but can - and will hold (;!!) - but longer None!
And if they really cheaper in the long run equally good (; or better)
Products delivers you should soon learn of her ... :-)
Where is the problem? Thanks to this 50-euro "coups" has now someone
the chance to say how much coal he needs for his next production
needs, and get them synonymous.
And that will not only be 150 euros ... :-)
Antwort von derpianoman:
... However, I am synonymous happy if I (here, if it's just synonymous with mere eavesdropping) can improve through contributions coming from the pens of those who with film / video productions a day to get their butter on bread. ..
+ + + Hello Christopher,
I see exactly the same way!
But my only Learning needs is slow ..
I can for my area (; Music) only say that, "it has it," the pleasantest fellows are. Even if they "had the greatest right" on the 100 errors that an amateur make all of them simultaneously pursue, with full force.
But they would never do ...
One of "them" I once asked how things were going well for him, and got the short answer is "good", which I then quitiert with "well, YOU are synonymous so hard to throw off track."
Since it was only a small, quiet smile ...
If there are people here in the forum "romp" that would be as synonymous lächen only .. WRITE HERE PLEASE MORE !!!!!
And work out the rest of us that smile (still, video or anywhere else in the field, -)
Antwort von alles:

Based on the general idea of the squeeze-out society.
Critique is one of them. But this is more a social problem.
Everyone tries to say in, because fear has himself or synonymous hidden
jealous of others successes. (; bla bla bla)
Personally, I sh ** on the critique and recommend it to other synonymous.
a) It produces a film
b) When Browsing: + do not like it
c) orientation s.The critics ruins everything
d) the result is no longer corresponds to the originally intended art
Conclusion: Do not talk about - because no one do you right.
(; A project is always 2 storage - some like it, others just do not)
Ps: just one example:
- One of my produced track is experimentally demonstrated, with the request that people say an honest opinion.
- A) the one I said that I had taken it in a big studio
- B) the others I said that I had recorded it at home
- Well, what do you mean?
- Most people found the track really well, just ...
once knew that it was included in the recording studio, was the car a good mood, however, were with the statement that it was taken home immediately suspicious.
- The joke here: it was all recorded with an old PC, etc.
This is just stood here in the forum times that a 5d Mark 2 (not for a professional unit, within the meaning of the video camera), but nevertheless offers good quality looks like. (; The play with the idea firmly in the minds sit)
Antwort von Axel:

It is not appropriate, a professional with an amateur work compared. For the above reason.
Target for the amateur, it must be to raise his level, so that its videos to the public can be effective. If he does that is only "for himself" does, he can (filmmaking synonymous limit equal to the imagination; ") dreams are my reality".
The creative amateur can provoke the commercial filmmaker, where he made a big impact in spite of small funds.
Therefore, the pros look with favor on the Life of amateurs s.seifigen pool of film looks, etc., but you can clearly see the difference.
The good professional life is in his heart an amateur, remains open (for new techniques or
contents if it is not already forbidden to talk about it, synonymous in the case of the zombie film indeed seems to be an interesting Storykniff the startling, not so much cool new effects from twenty different post-production sweatshops) and experimented with.
Antwort von alles:
The creative amateur can provoke the commercial filmmaker, where he made a big impact in spite of small funds. Finally, it is primarily concerned with the actual story of the film and less about the technology.
Let's be quite honest views. Almost every film maker tries or tried with as little money to make his films. It has always been so and will probably remain so. When Mark 2 here is a good tech. Quality is, then the film probably is nothing in the way - just do. Many of today's (; had known) Dirctor beginns with the first such experiments with 8-16mm, why?, Levels necessary because no money was available to use a 35mm. Filmmakers: those who love the true art, but the others want 1ter Money Line. There lies the point where many new film makers want to jump on the train and mitmischen.
Film look is what you want, but there are no rules.
But one thing is certain: the overall concept makes a film look.
It depends on what you want exactly, and not vice versa, to be a slave to technology. For little money, there are no reasonable alternatives to the 35mm setting than on cameras with video function.
Antwort von derpianoman:

The car is located beneath the car and master a new customer out there rattling into the yard. Without having to think he knows the car and hear,
what exactly is wrong in the engine. Because of Year Type XY XY XY components to 90% more for XY years fails ...
These 1000-fold experience, which becomes intuition,
We achieve an amateur before. As synonymous?
Antwort von derpianoman:
... Personally, I sh ** on the critique and recommend it to other synonymous ... I once had a beautiful sentence is one whose name was
"What Peter says about Paul, says more about Peter than about Paul"
(; Last name of the Red, -)
If, therefore, not personal dissatisfaction "smeared on the bread gets" can even be spontaneous expressions of lay people sometimes revealing. But as criticism of "stealth" Abla synonymous, I think the K ****.
Antwort von alles:

Especially the people who makes the s.Set or intrigue anderst somehow make the whole turning into hell. Then afterwards everyone is at fault for projects of other synonymous. Although everyone could just do his thing. Honest criticism is okay - no problem - there is always something and it synonymous IMPROVEMENTS to get good ideas. But, as you said, it is cleverly disguised as criticism, and you have the cheese at the end of the discussions.
It is not appropriate, a professional with an amateur work compared. For the above reason. Film s.sich is a grand experiment with some advance planning.
The way the film is always the same: professional amateur goes.
When I studied film in university s.der, I am a professional car?
or synonymous: there are people without qualifications, ranging in size came out!
This term is as vague as a professional film look or format to format battle.
Anyone can know one way or another eineignen and make trotzedm what.
Antwort von derpianoman:
... This term is as vague as a professional film look or format to format war ... Is quite simple: "Professional" is of "profit", -)
Seriously, I expect of a professional that he is in
"State of the art" familiar and moving. And of course experience.
Antwort von dermessie:

Hey Leutz,
yesterday we had an entire episode of GZSZ rotated (; fikitv).
We have 2 of the studio Filmaka in LB rotated.
- Complete studio with stage lighting
- Complete Set
- 3 Studio CAMs with pumps
- Live Directing with CNAC
- Complete Light &
- 4 producers
- 2 directors
- 3 Cameramen
- 1 unit manager
- 1 Lighting
- 1 sound engineer
- 3 technicians
- 1 Mask / Costume
- 5 + Cast comparse
- Plenty of gasoline for the cars, which each get free.
- Catering + lunch of pizza baker
- Electricity and water for coffee and toilet flush:)
Man ... and was the budget of $ 500 AKA .... I think we have even used net ... was all in vain eh eh: P
And I thought, just so we can produce cheap ...
Did I forget something? Oh yes, .. the gaffer for 50 euros, that we have overdone ..: D
Antwort von tello80m:
Transformers 2 may be overloaded, the technology is not at much really gets to face and and And.
Just popcorn movies. I look at it to me;)
Something like The Blair Witch Project seems to me simply not realistic. If someone had told me that the film would have cost 5000 euros (; or dollars), I would have believed it if possible.
Hand-held camera, students, internet propaganda ... good thing!
But even Blair Witch, the ONLY play in the woods and was advertised on the Web has cost 60,000 euros. These were mainly the cams and the trips paid for location.
Will probably be here in the Guinness Book as Umsatzrentabelster to go through to film? If so, if it were well bescheisserei ne;) Ifs comes, then I'll wait until a movie for 50 CENT or less comes out, the hunt begin ...
Antwort von
Hey Leutz,
yesterday we had an entire episode of GZSZ rotated (; fikitv).
We have 2 of the studio Filmaka in LB rotated.
- Complete studio with stage lighting
- Complete Set
- 3 Studio CAMs with pumps
- Live Directing with CNAC
- Complete Light &
- 4 producers
- 2 directors
- 3 Cameramen
- 1 unit manager
- 1 Lighting
- 1 sound engineer
- 3 technicians
- 1 Mask / Costume
- 5 + Cast comparse
- Plenty of gasoline for the cars, which each get free.
- Catering + lunch of pizza baker
- Electricity and water for coffee and toilet flush:)
Man ... and was the budget of $ 500 AKA .... I think we have even used net ... was all in vain eh eh: P
And I thought, just so we can produce cheap ...
Did I forget something? Oh yes, .. the gaffer for 50 euros, that we have overdone ..: D And the result was unfortunately true shit, like every episode GZSZ, EEZ, UU, and nude.
Antwort von derpianoman:

I think the issue has done is ... And wech!