Frage von koji:
for what would you grab?
musical aspirations DSLR rig comes with a 7D and all manner of accessories.
at the moment I tend to Bilora. looks pretty stable.
zum Bild
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Bilora purely for video.
with you but with the Canon if no other tripod have to Velbo
(better) for photos
Because the center column synonymous if I would disturb the cross braces, I do not like that.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Frank B.:

I use the Velbonkopf on another tripod with a SonyFX1 and find that the camera is too heavy for her head. I play with the thought of me for my camera zuzulegen a better tripod head. Your rig seems planned in a similar weight class to play, if not higher than) a FX 1 (Camera, Lens, various constructions. So I would you advise in the case of the Velbon. The head s.sich is very good for the price, but really only recommended for smaller camcorder. If one bit clever and with a little practice you get), but with cameras in the FX 1 order of magnitude synonymous good results (relatively soft and clean pan. However, if you even want to make static shots where the camera must remain for a long time s.der same position, it can happen very quickly that the head is not the weight of the camera can hold, and they tend (synonymous to arrive safely on it, such as head-or tail-heavy, the camera is). The FX1's enough just not setscrews despite sometimes massive angeknallter. For Bilora I can not say, but I am synonymous s.Erfahrungen of interested people who use it with cameras in the magnitude of the FX 1st
Antwort von Räuber:

Moin, use the Manfrotto with the Fx 1000 and am very satisfied. Not clean pans and jerky, all is well adjusted. For the price paid, I have 113, - Euro, unbeatable in my eyes (for video). Of course there are many better, but just cost more synonymous ...
Gruß, Stefan
Antwort von alibaba:

I own the Velbon s.kopf where you can adjust the swivel-mounted and neigewiederstand, while Bilora I do not know how to proceed.
About the brakes? Were it not so great.
Antwort von Paul*Berlin:
I own the Velbon s.kopf where you can adjust the swivel-mounted and neigewiederstand, while Bilora I do not know how to proceed.
About the brakes? Were it not so great. Have the Manfrotto 936 and use it for my Panasonic HDC SD 300 (actually from the visual perception here is too small for this tripod ...) but was able to achieve wonderful results. The resistance can, in fact, only set on the brakes, if you want to perform even slower pans. Have not yet tested, however, synonymous, as are the pan suabe then.
Unfortunately there is something in my copy s.Neigekopf from the fluid, I will in a few weeks (when I have no orders) to Bilora return to control it and let me replace it if necessary if it is not repairable.
I do not know where to be filmed, but what may well be of benefit, are the interchangeable tip-toe when Bilora, so that you have spikes, when you need it.
Incidentally, virtually synonymous, but not a reason for or against the Manfrotto Velbon, but is synonymous with the Bilora included a padded black, little bag.