Frage von pets:Hi All,
I have a movie for playback on LCD HDTVfähigem from Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 export 16:9 (Resolutionsoll 720p standard match (1280 * 720).
Are there options besides wmv9 and play the movie on wmv-hd-enabled DVD player?
Other question: Why is my experiment in the export from Adobe Premiere
in 16:9 PAL format only LOW Quality Choice when available and not synonymous with high quality, such as 4:3?
A thousand thanks for your help.
Antwort von fg:
For example, there is the possibility zuzulegen a KISS DP 600th So you can play your movies directly via LAN from your PC to the display. - Or one buys the ACER 3705 W, so that it is synonymous ...
Basically, it would need to be synonymous with a DivX certified players, if the material is encoded in DIVX ...