Frage von Paul*Berlin:
Hello community,
After I decided against the proprietary production of a green video cable (see ), da ich im Internet ein blaues Cinch -Videokabel gefunden habe, das wenigstens eine farbliche Sortierung ermöglicht, wollte ich mich noch kurz vergewissern, ob die Impedanz für Videokabel bei 50Ω oder 75Ω liegen soll. Ich meine ziemlich sicher, dass 75Ω für Video geeignet ist, nur schreibt der Rezensent bei amazon zu dem 50Ω-Kabel, dass die Bildqualität top sei. ( RCA InLine% C2% AE-PREMIUM-vergoldete-Male/dp/B000QJE7KE/ref = pd_cp_ce_2) Maybe he's just the wrong product synonymous rated ...
And for this cable I would decide then: RCA InLine% C2% AE-PREMIUM-vergoldete-Male/dp/B000PKWBCU/ref = wl_it_dp_o? Coliid = & ie = UTF8 & I1JMJQR1YZS53P colid = GS5NR6JPNRDZ Understanding speaks anything against this cable? It looks quite stable and I use it on the stage not with shoulder-mounted camera, but stand s.einer body with the tripod and so only needs to bring the picture to the video mixer ... I am sorry if you so nerve! :)
Antwort von TheBubble:

Video cable (coax for composite video, that is what the question, right?) Have 75 ohm impedance.
Antwort von Paul*Berlin:

yes, exactly, it comes to composite video, the one that has the standard color-coding yellow plug ...
Thanks for the info!
Antwort von thos-berlin:

The Impdanz the video cable is 75 ohms.