Frage von Cello0200:
here our first music video ...
Have fun with it
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Antwort von B.DeKid:

Down With The King - RunDMC * ToP *
Good work!
B. DeKid
Antwort von rush:

G'd evening,
I give up my mustard synonymous times;)
I like the music already and the instrumental of the piece ...
Now to the video ... I think it is nice effects, such as the placement of the glasses, which fades with the projector and the light white synonymous s.einigen agencies to convince.
In some places, however I would have liked to hear one or the other eye reflex - around the handle in the fridge :-)
The opening sequence with the leaf through the photos I personally felt a bit too long synonymous or the settings were repeated too much .... because I lack a little variety and the light was synonymous as part of another (such as the direct average of 01m: 17s on the Außenschuss).
Otherwise, the mood is well over, good colors and relaxed atmosphere.
What you have rotated as if I may ask?
Antwort von Cello0200:

@ Rush
Good evening!
With the light at 1:17 I have to give you right: /
Am able to learn so:)
What exactly do you mean with eye reflex??
Can ask of course!
5 & 7D
Greetings Marcel
Antwort von rush:
@ Rush
What exactly do you mean with eye reflex??
Greetings Marcel Well ... take the example of the open refrigerator with ... The face of the singer drinks "" almost completely s.and has no drawing. Of course it is hard to put in the refrigerator light ... but a small flashlight or the like would diffuse the eyes of the singer brought something to the "rays". This is called quasi-eye reflex and help the viewer a reference point to have - especially in such low-light situations is often quite useful. Of course it is not a must - but what to do with viewing habits - the audience usually looks first at the brightest point in the picture ... and ideally these are of course the eyes :-) if nothing else is more important in the Picture.
Antwort von Cello0200:

Thank you!
Had no small light!
A small head light I'll grow me yet!
The idea with Camera in a refrigerator is synonymous to me but only came s.Drehtag: /!
Did the whole synonymous only 3-4 try a gift because it was not planned and I was not sure if I'll install it!
All in all, I am quite satisfied me the result!
Thank you again for your constructive criticism!
If I take at you!
Greetings Marcel