Frage von mike230,8:
Hello. I currently have a problem. In the window where you select the input source can. I can not select it comes to nothing. s.dem video recorder, I have a SCART connector with a switch for in / out because of the connection is made via a s-video cable to dvd recorder Dazzle 90th I've switched of in to out and vice versa = no success
already have a dvd player connected = no success
the s-video cable with a RCA cable replaced = no success
Now I ask, because I can still help any?
thanks in advance
ps I've s.einem laptop angeschlosse.pentium 4, 2.8 GHz, 512 MB GeForce FX Go 5600grafik
Antwort von Markus:

because you have the cable connection at the heart and kidneys checked, you will probably s.Dazzle lie. It read more here (search "Dazzle").