Frage von JonnyLehondi:
Tach'chen all together. because as I said, I'm such a problem with Adobe Premier Pro 1.5.
And while the soundtrack shifts after inserting into the "film strip"
always so that you only speak as someone who sees the picture, and only then comes the accompanying sound. Moreover, the picture sometimes jerky.
This happens both when I look at the film first in the 2nd Window (for the film strip), or look at when I export the movie, and then look at it to me.
In short:
The audio - and video tracks are offset and the Picture jerky sometimes.
I hope you can help me. The film has indeed to be finished soon and I'm not so'n professional who riff that alone.
Thank you schonmal.
Antwort von Markus:

There are video formats that you edit to make big problems (like DivX). On what clips these problems occur? Check the files with GSpot times if necessary.
Learn More:
Which codec is the best compromise?
Antwort von JonnyLehondi:

"Hi, Mark. Thanks for your info. I have 2 movies in avi format. Should I convert maybe before that? If so, then in what format?
And you have eine'n tip for a freeware program as a conversion?
Ma Thanks again.
Antwort von Markus:
I have 2 movies in avi format. See here:
AVI is a container format called ...
Antwort von JonnyLehondi:

I looked again. The two movies are in. Mpg format.
Is this wrong? Jonny.
Antwort von Markus:

You really stingy with information! MPEG is also a generic term for a number of sub-formats, such as MPEG1, MPEG2, MP3 (audio only), MPEG4, ...
Antwort von JonnyLehondi:

So, there I should be ma again.
How do we find out that what the format is?
(Even if you book now you'll take s.den head, because you wonder how stupid a person can be überhaubt)
So: Thanks for your patience and your answers. I am looking forward already to the next.
Antwort von steveb:

if you select the clip and are testing its properties, it shows you the size, format and so on.
What does your manual out of it? You have yet one ;-)