Frage von Clemens6020:
Hello everyone!
Did my last Tuesday HVX + Letus Extreme + Sachtler FSB running 8 and Kombo for testing 2 friends of me in the park on the slackline rotated.
Is it all!) In 720 25PN rotated at 50frames overgecranked (; neologism. As I pulled the sharpness alone s.klein display the HVX did it perfectly situated next couple of times but keeps within the framework and provides for an initial test has made quite officially, I think.
Tips and advice welcome ...
Click on "HD"
Antwort von Axel:

Together with the small depth of field you have used the slow motion with the most dreamy style funds, which previously could be made against the pin down "video" suspicion.
In the light situation, it would have been possible to include next to two apertures. It would then not everything was so blurry. No criticism, it should be obvious then. Just to note that we find it natural, at least where the subject is consistently sharp, and that it is generally easier to work with not completely open Aperture. Adapter would only look good,
do not worry be happy to express, you could be honest with same (; good use) em Effect Softfilter one. If the adapter 1 million tests in the net once evaluates created this impression. Cuddly soft feel-good look. As too much fabric softener can cause allergic reactions ...
Antwort von pailes:

In slow motion I like motion blur at all. From her picture I think it is otherwise quite good.
Antwort von Hogar:

Nicely done! For the cut would probably have been even more cool s.and to one of the photos taken to show with slight Reinzoombewegung ner and / or transition. But it was more likely the camera work ...
Antwort von Clemens6020:

Thanks for the messages
@ Axel: You're right when you here the lard diagnostizierst club. There is, however, so it is decidedly left me in this test around the cranking.
Regarding the open Aperture I can only say that I am at work with the Letus most of the shallow depth of field so excited that I am well pleased (: how so many) overshoot over the target.
But it fits the motif shown that the overstatement of reality, ergo romance element pretty well I find.
@ Hogar: Good tip. Is designed but how do you say just before a TV camera test.
@ Pailes: Since that my first active access relating to variable frame rate was, I would be for Tips for successful slow motion and Time lapse very grateful.
Antwort von pailes:

@ Clemens6020:
Of course, with the motion blur is very subjective. At a second glance, I find it somewhat synonymous overexposed, that I give Axel right, you'd probably want to close the aperture a bit next.
Here is a video regarding the slow motion which I find very beautiful:
Antwort von Axel:
At a second glance, I find it somewhat synonymous overexposed, that I give Axel right, you'd probably want to close the aperture a bit next. But then he would have with the HVX need to change the exposure, not s.der KB-aperture, such as automatic aperture ND filter switch on one or the other. Almost more fascinating than the blur one adapter at a blurring of the light, so you can see ussoviel sun in these "tests". Since we know how to be modest, such shots
without adapter feels like it and redeemed exposed over uncontrollably. That can understand it.
Antwort von Clemens6020:

@ Pailes: Jup, the video is very clean. I think the proper shutter operation is still potential for improvement.
@ Axel: The effect of overexposure is reinforced in this particular case, unfortunately, synonymous nor by my very unselective use of magic-bullet.
With your comment about the light signals of photo lenses do you have right of course. There is simply very happy if these pictures suddenly nuances and öhm ... Heat? . teem
However, I'm turning with the adapters synonymous noticed that I like because of the new opportunities quickly and sometimes the pictures I am a little sloppy in the Kadrage ...
Antwort von pilskopf:

With what do you have rotated shutter? When I do slow motion, I always take a quick shutter so that the images are not blurred.
Antwort von Clemens6020:

Most of the time I have left untouched the shutter, and a few pictures with 1 / 60 rotated.
PS.: Your rap video gets 2 thumbs up of me!
Antwort von pilskopf:

Ahhh, thank you. : D
So I once would shutter 100 / 1 try, imo is just better in slow motion. Or 120 / 1 if that's possible.