Frage von derbobby:
I have a little problem that robbed me last nerve.
And while I'm on a very often used the wiggle expression. position at times, sometimes at the camera focus, even rotation. of course, is easier than to put any manual camera shake.
eg if I wiggle (2,100) understand correctly, then 2 times per second to the verwackelnde in the span of -100 and 100
randomly changed value.
that is, in principle, synonymous produces relatively large jumps.
to me it would be very important to be worth from one to the next point gets a "soft" movement.
I've considered as a possible solution:
you could somehow make the animation run once and the values that the expression out fires in a array or something, save them somehow translated as keyframes. it could then with F9 all make "soft".
... But I have no plan how to implement the ^ ^
something like that you can probably apply to the position of a layer. there's even the "blurring of window" that does something.
Only, I would like to apply synonymous to focus distance of the camera or the rotation. and this is therefore not obvious.
has anyone done this before and I can possibly post the code? ;)
to explain it again differently:
It should not only upfront wie.b. random values. 1,6,3,1,10,3
... but also to the "off" there are computed synonymous.
1, 2,3,4,5,
6 5,4,
3 2,1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ,
10 9,8,7,6,5,4,
3 So while I Moeche random values, but it should synonymous between values
Thanks in advance
oh ... I use AE CS5
Antwort von derbobby:

whoops ... I see now. you can üver Animation -> Keyframe Assi ... " Expressions to keyframes conven. That should solve my problem.
Sorry for the thread. One probably. Who else helps yes one day ^ ^