Frage von Opor:
Februar 2006
I have the following problem:
I've created an animation in 3D Studio. I rendere me the individual components (alpha out, rendering shadows, scattering color, luster and color reflectance) on "elements" in the 3D Max Render Settings. Each file is synonymous properly stored.
Now I import the files into After Effects. Here do I determine which will interpret the alpha mask in the footage "used directly".
So now the problem. Once I mean rendered color straw 3DMax-Avi-file lay on my background scene (any other video), is no masking of the 3D object made, but the complete picture is overlaid by the Render Scene.
What am I doing wrong? Why is not the straw color with the built-in alpha channel masks and put on the scene?
Is possibly the alpha channel is not yet rausgerendert with, but only the RGB signal? But why is it in the AVI to an alpha channel when importing?
Thank you for your help
Antwort von prem:

Give your project from up times in single sequence. Take tif png or targa, at 32-bit should then be included with paste in AE, the alpha channel.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Stefan:

Like your compositions in AE are constructed?
I would expect that you have a "3D Studio" composition have, at each level with the individual components are covered, some of whom in particular the alpha component is used as a mat. This "3D Studio" composition then it should be verwurschtelt in a "final" composition with the video image.
If you like, I can look at the Project. I would need an ever-extracting ZIP file with a meaningful 1-frame AVI of the five individual components, and the video image. With the new attachment feature of the forum you can attach sowas ja prima s.Nachrichten.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Opor:

Schonmal Thank you for your help.
I have since rausgefunden that is available to render the "element" channels, although an alpha channel, this does not include the masked objects. Ergo-> is simply white. Therefore, it probably works the AVI's not synonymous with free admission to the integrated channel. Is there a way, the alpha channel information, for example, the cluster colors with impressing into the AVI?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Opor:

Yes thank you schonmal. With frames, it worked. The alpha channel is rendered out with. Now, however, raises a new problem:
When I render the entire scene from 3D Max and it added up with the "Picture", see from the individual channels, then the accumulated picture in dark places much darker than the entire scene.
If the theory is not create the same result here?
Has anyone a tip??
Thank you very much