Frage von frm:I got lucky,
Whenever I start After Effects comes following warning:
After Effects warning: Error parsing properties list.
Have the last few weeks you can work without problems and now suddenly this error.
Someone knows the of you.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Isses times crashed sometime? Any new plugins installed? New fonts?
Antwort von frm:
No, nothing new was installed and had no errors. I've started and the computer was defective.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
If this message is if you directly via the AE double-click on a project run, or synonymous, if you empty rauffährst AE?
If the former, try AE empty to start and / or any other Project to double click.
AE Do you ever completely uninstalled and then reinstalled?
Antwort von frm:
I can neither start nor a blank double-click on a project starts.
I will now uninstall and reinstall.
Let's see whether my weiterrhilft.
Antwort von frm:
So now I was on the Adobe Page found.
and see that the AE can be restarted.
2. Re-create the After Effects preferences file.
Re-create the After Effects preferences file to eliminate problems that a damaged preferences file might cause.
To re-create the After Effects preferences file:
1. Quit After Effects.
2. Rename the Adobe After Effects 8.0 Prefs.txt (for example, to Adobe After Effects 8.0 Prefs.old) in the C: Users <username> AppDataRoamingAdobeAfter Effects8.0 folder.
3. Start After Effects. After Effects creates a new preferences file.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Yupp, now synonymous been my last tip.