Frage von RocknRoyal:Hello,
I have admired for some time video, in which one passes through an object within a scene in a new scene - Example: A man holds a picture in his hand, the camera zooms into the picture and there is Stillimage initially shown on the picture then the transition to the next scene ...
As an example:
Keep an eye on time at 01:23 min:
The video was filmed entirely with the way the Canon 5D.
How do they call this effect is shown there, there are some tutorials on this? Something like this needs a lot of training?
Antwort von PUDU:
The effect which you think is the reason (pretty simple, but it can depending on what you have to be quite expensive synonymous ...):
You place in the timeline of your starting sequence precompose with the target sequence and resize verzerrst and they maskierst until it properly to fit into it zooming object (; possibly as 3D Layer). If the object into which you want to zoom into it to move, you'd have to Motion (use tracking, search for "Motion Tracking", "Mocha" - if you have CS4 -) for the appropriate tutorials. Then you set a keyframe and magnify a few frames next two levels at once until you complete the format. Motion Blur One more thing on it and finished. From here you can repeat the whole, to zoom in more objects into it ...