Frage von matte:
okay the title is perhaps a bit confusing, I have the following problem in After Effects: I would like to single words of a text in the Z-plane to the front and rear to move. Since the text is relatively long and is formatted, is the variant for each word individually to make unfortunately flat.
That is why I am in search of a plugin or an expression of the can. What comes out s.ehesten Effect would be the "dance card", as individual cards can be synonymous, for example, with the help of a course according to luminance level in the Z-level move, but because I know the number of rows and columns in the effects settings can not be set, that it is not the most words to be cut, so unfortunately I am not next. I hope someone has another idea!
Antwort von Mylenium:
Since the text is relatively long and is formatted, is the variant for each word individually to make unfortunately flat. In the case forget it! Sorry, this will not go. The individual words had already exist as separate layers to make them somehow with Expressions to place. As a minimum solution -> Per Character 3D Text Animator field is set to speak. And for every need at least one way or the CS3. Also: AE Forum is a few floors down, just to recap ....