Frage von jmogk:
I try to Buckley with the Panasonic AG-DVX100A the computer monitor. According to the manual with the menu's should be to make SnynchroScan. Unfortunately, a scan rate of change shows no effect, except maybe at the Shutterspeedänderung to 1/60s and monitor frequency is 60 Hz reduces the beam on a line, but it's not completely gone, SteadyShot is off.
The question is how to properly proceed. I do not synonymous know whether the change of scan rate in the menu until the former, if you leave the menu, or whether the change has a direct effect on the beam. If every time I leave the menu or existence, which is obviously a miserable fumble.
Jürgen Mogk
Antwort von PowerMac:

You can via the external buttons
s.Shutter turn on / (Shutter On)
b) go through different shutter (shutter), which would be at 25p via a predefined menu, Shutter, 50, 25, 60, 100, 200, 500, 1000 / s.
Say, if you are coming s.einen monitor with 60 Hz, the menu Syncho scan at 60.3 Hz. Then there turn s.den outer buttons until the shutter (feedback) via the display, then with the button right next to go through seven different shutter can. One of those is yours with the menu as a synchro-scan defined.
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Hello PowerMac
And thanks for the super quick reply. Sounds good, because this approach I have not tried this yet, but what I will do immediately.
Thank you again for the support, Panasonic has not even made it into this form!
Jürgen Mogk