Frage von hannibalekta:
I am planning a short film and be on a Friend s.ein AKG 1000S approached. Often one hears so in terms of short films and Tonangeln from Sennheiser MKH 416th Now the question: good for the AKG synonymous something? Can I order a good sound for short film NEN get?
Antwort von _DINGO_:

Hello Hannibalekta,
it is definitely a good Microphone for Tonangeln suitable.
I would you like more of a shotgun recommended (eg, Sennheiser MKH 416) or ME66 (Sennheiser synonymous).
If in doubt, try it, you will but in any case more ambient noise in the recording have.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Well, the MKH is a club and the 1000S a kidney. You will not only film with a leg or a kidney with only fish. Really, you can compare the microphones are not interrelated.
The 1000S is not easy, but for renal inserts used to be (although I think better Rode NT3).
Antwort von PowerMac:

The C1000 is for S's fishing is really unsuitable. What is probably because the fish?
Antwort von _DINGO_:

Regardless of whether you with the Microphone will work now or not, should you have an additional directional micro care.
The cost of borrowing between 4-15 Euro s.Tag, depending on the rental.|35
Good luck!
Antwort von hannibalekta:

thanks for the tips. And thanks for the link to indycine. They are really pretty cheap. Is there NEN hook? I'll probably use the Sennheiser ME80 borrow.
Best Regards