Frage von curbgrinder:
Hi, I am in essence I buy the Panasonic TM700. Until now I had only DV cameras and the war of the hardware that I had not been a problem.
Now I wanted to buy a new PC, so I with the HD material can manage.
I have read in other posts here, some what to look and what should be the minimum for HD editing.
Nevertheless, I have a few questions, you I could not answer me ;-).
Almost all the "setup" I have read here had as an Intel processor.
I was planning to me an AMD Athlon II x4 "630 (4x2800 to fetch).
I have read that some people had problems on Windows 7 and its CS4 graphics card with Premiere.
Is there someone who is a synonymous with AMD and Windows 7 and Premiere CS4 and has made HD editing experience or is there a special reason why many have an Intel chip?
And one more small question, which may even include synonymous TM700 50p, create the 4-core processors, 8GB of RAM when I have?
Thank you for your help and time already I'm sorry if I put one or the other question twice and it was already answered somewhere, I have tried to read it all :-).
Antwort von Gabriel_Natas:

I have the Atlhon II X4 630 CS4 in my computer cutting and Premiere.
As I've got a GeForce graphics card with 220 1gb grafikRAM and there are no problems with me.
Older cards could certainly cause problems.
Of course, I do not know how to cut the 1080p50 material can, because I have none since;) but I think there should be no problem.
Why do so many resort to Intel?
As with the AMD Phenom X4 series down the toilet and made a handle for a long time been sensible to have only 4 Kerner of intel.
The phenomenon Atlohn II and II series are much better since, but essentially synonymous later appeared on the market.
But at the same time came with the Intel Core i7 on the market and the performance are small shells;), there is no phenomenon II with.
Intel can be synonymous but which reward accordingly.
Therefore: He who does a lot of money has, of course, to Intel.
Anyone who has little money, can not afford an Intel quad-core anyway.
With AMD CPU, you can put together a quad core cutting machine for under $ 500. With the Intel at the moment impossible (at least when I've culled in December, my new SchnittPC is NEN).
Antwort von RickyMartini:

The CPU load in playback of 1080p50 is a Q9550 @ 3.6 Ghz about 50% and 25% at 1080i50. Thus, should the Phenom quad core surely suffice.
Antwort von curbgrinder:

Very good,
and thanks in any case for the detailed answers!