Frage von $imon:
Hi @ all!
I hab da mal ne Frage:
So as you may know even on such a video-DVD always two folders (VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS).
I am now looking for a program with which I can convert the files from the folders to a common video format (eg avi, mpg, mpeg ...)
I want to edit the movie of the DVD that is with the Windows Movie Maker!
So if anyone knows where I am such a program herbekomm please write!
You can send me mail but synonymous:
I'm glad about every answer!
Ever Thanks in advance!
$ imon
Antwort von Gast 0815:

It makes sense you make yourself erstmal briefly with the structure of a video-DVD-known: Video # Verzeichnisstruktur_und_Dateinamen
So what do you möchstest import are VOB files.
It is best to add these erstmal together (see why Haage: &) #.
The easiest way with the Vobmerge ( Then you can file for example with the new Super ( transcode or MediaCoder ( into the desired Fomat (MPEG2, DV-AVI).
Greetings from Marburg