Frage von Quasar:
Can someone tell me whether I SonySR11 a material and a SonyFX1000 "just so" on the timeline, move, edit and create the movie? The fact that another AVCHD File ausspuckt HDV as I have already found, I know not only whether the two file types "bite" ... And when I can SR11 between full and "normal" HD (1440x1080) choose ... which I take as given, so that fits with the FX1000?
I use Pinnacle Studio12 Ultimate.
Thanks for your tips!
Quasar greeting ...
Antwort von Shiranai:

Usually have no problems editing programs with different formats, would be synonymous stupid when a project is not synonymous AVCHD an animated background in MPEG-2 format could cut into it.
Of course, the best Resolutionam equal to any problems. While I know myself with SonyCams not so, but the FX-1000 is I believe in Full HD on, because I would rather the higher resolution Griffin.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

While I know myself with SonyCams not so, but the FX-1000 is I believe in Full HD on, because I would rather the higher resolution Griffin. no, the FX1000 takes in 1440x1080 (HDV) on ...
Pinnacle Studio12 Ultimate I do not know ...
In Edius, I would probably work in FullHD ...
gruß cj